Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
... he is only using your soul as a trophy!
- Message No. 1006 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Rise up, awaken from your slumber and face the truth.
He who does not recognize the truth will be lost. He will be caught in the nets of the devil, and the devil will not release him. His guile is great, his obsession with power cruel, because for the realization all means are right for him, and before nothing, absolutely nothing, his worshippers shrink.
There is nothing more cruel than the implementation of the evil one's plans to make you slaves of his elite during your lifetime, with the aim of your obedience and the renunciation of your opinion, because his aim is to torment you, in the here by his elite and in the eternity in the abysses of his hell, not because he takes pleasure in you, but because he knows how much he hurts God the Father and Jesus with this torment and chastisement he is doing to you. That is his real goal: to put himself above God the Father, but that will never happen.
So be aware that you are only PLAYBALLS of the devil, whom it is necessary to pull on his side, in order to "get one over" the one who has created you in greatest love! He is not interested in you, he only uses your soul as a trophy against the Almighty Father and takes pleasure and satisfaction in the agony of those whom he has stolen, but his satisfaction is never satisfied.
So be warned and confess Jesus, for only HE can and will save you from evil. Your soul CAN ONLY be saved through Jesus, for ONLY HE is your Savior. Through His death on the cross, He has "ransomed" you, and you are free to decide where you will go: Follow evil - and you will be lost. Follow Jesus - and your soul will experience the eternal peace and glory promised to you. Amen.
Wake up, then, and arise! Follow Jesus and become happy children in and of the Lord. Without Jesus, no soul has a chance of the promised glory. So confess Jesus and live as worthy children of the Lord. Obey the commandments and live according to His teachings, and the kingdom of heaven will be open to you.
It is not too late to repent, so seek Holy Confession and repent of your sins! Say YES to Jesus and change your life to please Jesus! It is not the earthly riches that are important, but the riches that you gather for eternity, and these include humility, purity and following Jesus.
You must have a pure, loving heart in order to come close to Jesus, otherwise the evil one will have an easy time taking possession of you and seducing you again and again.
So confess what you did wrong and repent, My children. Amen.
With deep and sincere love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
My child. If you sincerely, honestly and deeply repent of your sins, the Father will remit many punishments of sins to you, i.e. your soul will feel the flames of purgatory less after the earthly demise than the one who did not repent or repented only "superficially".
So repent honestly and sincerely and deeply, because in this way your soul can be purified already here (in earthly times) and atone and expiate, My children. The more you sacrifice "yourselves", the lesser will be the punishments for sins.
Please tell this to Our children, because most of you do not feel repentance deeply enough. Go into the pain of sin and sincerely ask for forgiveness. In this way, you will purify your soul from this committed sin, and the flames of purification that every faithful soul must experience because of its committed sins will be less.
Believe and trust and repent deeply, for the shadows on your soul will be "burned away" by the pain you experience through deepest and most sincere repentance. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is very important. Amen.
"Bear your sins in Holy Confession. Amen."
Source: ➥