Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, July 23, 2015
It is such a bad state for the soul to be tormented in hell!
- Message No. 1007 -

Write, My daughter, and listen to what I, your Mother in Heaven who loves you, have to say today to the children of the world: Pray, My children, and prepare yourselves, for the day of the end is approaching, and you must be ready for My Son, lest you be lost to the adversary who does everything he can to steal your soul.
Believe and trust, My children. Only with Jesus will you reach eternal life, without HIM you will experience infinite suffering and your soul will "die" without ever really dying.
It is such a terrible state for the soul to be tormented in hell. Not graspable by human understanding. So find Jesus before it is too late and prepare for your Savior.
When HE, My Son, stands before you, fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness! Beg His mercy, for it is through His mercy that your sins are forgiven.
Do not wait until HE comes as a judge over you, for when that happens, mercy would have to give way to justice, and woe to him who has not used the hour of mercy!
So pray, My children, and ask for forgiveness. Seek the Holy Sacrament of Confession, repent and repent. Pray for your loved ones and those who are alone and "do not know Jesus". Your prayer "moves mountains" and you would make eyes if you could see all the good your prayer does.
So pray, My children, for with your prayer you are strong. Do not let it stop and use all the help that We give you in these messages. Ask Us and Our help will be given to you.
So confess and convert now and find yourselves completely to Jesus. Thus you will not be lost, and your soul will experience eternal salvation. Amen.
With deep motherly love, your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥