Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 12, 2021
Improve your world situation!
- Message No. 1275 -

Our Lady is very sad and has tears in her eyes.
My child. My dear child. The children do not love Me. They spurn My prayers and do not pray to My Son. Yet My rosaries are so important for your world. The prayer of My holy rosaries works so many miracles in your times. Therefore, pray, pray, pray, beloved children that you are, and do not spurn prayer, do not spurn My Rosary, and do not spurn the Holy Face of My Son, for it is holy, holy, holy. Amen.
Do not scorn My Son, your Most Holy Jesus, for you are transgressing in sin and your punishment will be great.
Do not spurn prayer, beloved children that you are, for only through the prayer of all of you will you improve the world situation, come closer and closer to My Son, your Jesus, and recognize, through the divine inspiration (inspiration) that ONLY the Holy Spirit can give you, the mysteries that reveal themselves to that soul that turns to Me, to Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit in deep faith and prayer. Amen.
I love you very much, beloved children that you are. None of you do We want to see lost, so turn back and begin to pray. Prayer is the strongest weapon you have, at this time, so use it, for yourselves, for strengthening, for your world affairs.
My Son works miracles where prayer is sustained. Believe firmly in it and pray.
A soul that is always in prayer will not be lost. My Son will come to redeem them, but you must pray and find your way to HIM, because darkness is breaking more and more into your world to lead you astray once and for all when everything is prepared by the confounder. He is deceitful and mean. A baron of lies that no one is a match for, so be careful, beloved children that you are, for nothing is as it seems, and ONLY MY SON will be able to lead you through all the deceit, confusion and heaviness and darkness.
So prepare yourselves, beloved children that you are, for only a short time remains to you.
Your conscience will be enlightened, but never think that this will be easy for you. Those who have not duly prepared for this event will suffer the greatest anguish of soul. Many of you who are not prepared will not be able to bear His light. They will not be able to bear their sins, which will be shown to them with all the consequences of sins, therefore you do well to make your life confession NOW. This you can do only, and I repeat, ONLY with a consecrated priest of My Son. So go within yourselves, prepare yourselves, and go to Holy Confession. You will have to do penance, and above all, you will have to repent of your sins, because only a repentant heart will be forgiven.
Heed My words, beloved children that you are, for time is running out for you.
Your churches will soon have to close, for he who pretends to lead you does not lead you in the name of My Son. He pretends, but he does not. Stay alert, because you will ALL be led behind the light, if you do not recognize the lies and deceit! There is enough evidence, but many of you do not want to look!
You are warned now, so listen to My call and stay alert: Those who pretend to be good, are not! They lead you behind the light, therefore pray, so that you may gain knowledge and clarity and find your way completely to My Son, your Jesus. Only through prayer you will be strengthened, so pray, pray, pray. There is no time left to do nothing! You must pray or everything will collapse on you and you will not be prepared!
When the devil has the upper hand, you will be lost, and there will be no turning back for you. This time is near, My children, very near. Only a soul established in Jesus will remain steadfast, but all others will be lost in the masses of fire.
Many of you do not want to believe this, but I, your Mother in Heaven, tell you today that it will be so if you do not prepare NOW. We are giving you the time of preparation so that you will be ready for all these events. Whoever does not take advantage of it will be lost, and My Son will not be able to do anything for him.
We have already told you what awaits you, but many of you remain in a waiting attitude. Let it be said to you now: Whoever thinks he has nothing to do, My Son will not be able to do anything for him. You will have it hard, you will get lost, because you cannot wait any longer! It is not enough to prepare yourselves when the warning is there. You have to do it now, otherwise it will be too late for you.
Children (!) you don't know what your soul is waiting for! If you knew, you would ALL be with Jesus already.
I love you very much. Prepare yourselves and do not spurn My rosaries, do not spurn prayer and find Jesus before it is too late for you. Amen.
Stay strong and persevere. Jesus will come to redeem you who are faithful and devoted to Him, BUT HE WILL NOT Dwell UNDER YOU. Amen.
Stay strong and remain in prayer.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Your prayer is the strongest weapon you have. Listen to My call and pray. Amen.
Source: ➥