Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, February 20, 2021
I can protect you only if you follow My instructions!
- Message No. 1276 -

My child. My dear child. The time you are going through is not beautiful for many, many people, but I alleviate where prayed for and guide and lead, together with My Most Holy Mother, those children who are faithful, devoted and obedient to Me.
Never listen to those who run along, for they lead you on wrong paths, ALL OF WHICH DO NOT LEAD TO ME, TO YOUR JESUS, AND DO NOT LEAD TO THE NEW KINGDOM!
Stay strong and persevere, for the time is already shortened. Your prayers will be heard, your prayers will be answered, but you must keep praying so that the worst will not come to pass.
The devil's plans are unimaginably evil, and you know only a small part of what he has in mind for mankind. Again and again We say that a common sense is not capable of conceiving or imagining so much evil, but it is unfortunately true.
Much suffering will come upon your world, and you do well to remain firm in faith in Me, in your Jesus who loves you. Division is great among My children, and many will be lost, for they do not see the danger that comes from those who lie and deceive them.
Listen to My word, beloved children that you are, and do not run after those who run away! They bring misfortune upon you, and worse, they forfeit your way into eternity with Me.
It is a sad time, but you must face the truth now: The one who pretends to be from Me is not from Me, and the one who is yet to come, and will be presented to you as the one he is not, will bring your soul down, and I, your Jesus, will be able to do nothing for you.
Children, wake up, because the end is so near! You do not see it, you do not want to see it, you continue to believe that everything will be well again in your world, but I, your Jesus, tell you today, as My Mother already did, that it will not be so!
Never accept the sign of the devil, because it will mean your downfall!
Do not listen to your mainstream media, for they spread the lies of those who do not love you!
Don't listen to those who run away, because they lead you into damnation, and nothing more will I, your Jesus, be able to do for you.
Listen to My call and remain faithful and devoted to Me, your Jesus. The Father intervenes, but only HE knows the date. Amen.
For the 3 dark days be told: Who does not close windows and doors completely, will invite the demons into his house! You already know what to do, so don't have anything open and keep everything closed. I can protect you only if you follow My instructions. Whoever thinks he does not have to do this will be lost, for he has not listened to Me.
My words may sound harsh, but they are for your salvation. You have forgotten what complete trust in Me means, therefore I can only warn you urgently of the dangers that are lurking. You will escape them if you listen to My word: Do not open windows or doors during the 3 dark days, because if you do so, it means your downfall.
Listen to My word, for it is holy, and good to him who heeds it and follows Me, his Jesus, faithfully and devotedly. Amen.
Sanctify your homes and houses so that the evil one cannot enter.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus, who I Am. Amen.
The warning is near. Pray, pray, pray and prepare yourselves. Amen.
Source: ➥