Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Do not listen to your environment!
- Message No. 1367 -

Do not be afraid at any time!
Jesus: My child. Do not be afraid! What has been said is coming to pass and soon, very soon, new abominations and outrages will be presented to you.
God the Father: Never be afraid, beloved children of the remnant army, and do not fear at any time. Your faith will be tested in this time now coming. So remain faithful to My Son and be ready at all times. The end is near, but much calamity will yet befall your oh so shameful world.
Our Lady: You must remain strong and steadfast and always faithful to My Son. You must pray, beloved children that you are, you must pray! Your prayer mitigates so much and it holds back the Father's wrath. You must be strong and very brave, and you must be steadfast and always faithful to Jesus. Only he who is faithful to HIM, Jesus, your Savior and Redeemer, will be lifted up, and the New Kingdom will be his home. But to him who caves in and becomes soft, let him say:
Pray more, beloved child, pray more! Plead for help and steadfastness to the Father and to the Son and ask for the power of the Holy Spirit! HE who is Almighty will hear your prayer, and HE who is Almighty will not let any of His children perish. Therefore, pray and plead to the Father in Heaven and remain strong! Only Jesus is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, He alone will lift you up and lead the way to the Father.
Whoever becomes weak, whoever feels weak, pray more! The Father hears your prayers, but they must be addressed to HIM!
Jesus: Do not listen to your environment, because so many people think they know everything better!
Listen to My Word and Our Word in these messages, for only through Me, through your Jesus, will you attain the New Kingdom. Amen.
I love you very much, beloved children that you are. Stay strong and faithful to Me. Always. Amen.
Our Lady: Pray much, beloved children that you are. Only through your prayer will you remain strong, only through your prayer will you be able to mitigate the worst, for the Father keeps what HE promises, and mitigates where prayer is offered!
God the Father: I, your Father in heaven, love you very much.
Pray much, beloved children, and persevere through this time that is now coming.
I, your Father in heaven, hear your prayers, and I, your Father in heaven, intervene. Remain faithful to Jesus and do not be tempted.
The devil is a deceiver, and by deceit and guile he will try to tempt you, but never be afraid, for he who remains true in prayer and faithful to Jesus has nothing to fear.
I love you very much.
Your Father in Heaven, Jesus, your Redeemer, and your loving Mother Mary, Coredemptrix. Amen.
Source: ➥