Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Prayers taught by Our Lady, Queen and Messenger of Peace to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacarei SP, Brazil
Table of Contents
Prayers to the Holy Hours
Rosary of St. Joseph
The rosary consists of 5 mysteries. It is prayed on normal rosary beads.
At the Beginning
Our Father... Hail Mary... Apostles Creed...
Meditating on the Mysteries

Meditating on the Mysteries

First Mystery: We contemplate the betrothal of Mary and Joseph.
Second Mystery: We contemplate the Angel's visit to St. Joseph and the announcement that Mary would be the Mother of the Savior.
Third Mystery: Joseph and Mary adore the baby Jesus at His birth in the stable in Bethlehem.
Fourth Mystery: The flight of the Holy Family to Egypt.
Fifth Mystery: The return of the Holy Family to Nazareth after St. Joseph's dream.
On the Large Beads
Hail Mary...
On the Small Beads
Hail St. Joseph, Chosen of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among men, and blessed is Thy Most Loving Heart, Patron and Co-redeemer with Jesus and Mary. Saint Joseph, Father of the Son of God and our Father, assist us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
After each Mystery
Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning now and ever and for ever and ever. Amen.
Most beloved heart of St. Joseph, pray for us!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love You! Save souls!
Saint Joseph, sustainer of families, pray for us!
Holy Family, pray for us!
Conclude with this Offering
To You, glorious Saint Joseph, I offer this rosary in praise and glory of Jesus and Mary, so that You may be my light and guide, my protection and defense, my strength and joy in all my labors and tribulations and especially in the hour of agony. By the name of Jesus, by the glory of Mary, I implore Your powerful patronage, so that You may obtain for me the grace I so desire. Speak on my behalf, plead my cause in heaven and on earth, cheer my soul for the honor and glory of You, of Jesus and Mary. So be it.
Litany of the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus Christ, hear us.
Jesus Christ, graciously hear us.
FATHER in heaven, who art GOD, have mercy on us.
Son, Redeemer of the world, who art GOD, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, who art GOD, have mercy on us.
Most Holy Trinity, who art ONE GOD, have mercy on us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, full of LOVE and mercy for sinners, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, Guardian and Defender of JESUS and MARY, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, Temple of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, terror of demons and destroyer of the snares of the evil one, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, scorched and consumed with LOVE for the HOLY VIRGIN MARY, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, swollen with LOVE for the BABY GOD, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, Protector of the Holy Faith of the Catholic Church, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, Shield and Most Loving Father of the true devotees of MARY, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, defender of those who spread the MESSAGES of the HOLY MARY, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, model and beacon of all souls who aspire to holiness, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, who throbs with ardent LOVE for JESUS and MARY, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, who appeared in JacareĆ burning with the Flames of Love, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, our Most Glorious MASTER on the "road to perfection", pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, our Helper and our Help in tribulations, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, Protector and Sustainer of families, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, Preparer of the TRIUMPH of the HEARTS of JESUS and MARY, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, our refuge from the attacks and assaults of the evil one, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, our Peace and the cause of our joy, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, pierced by the thorns of our sins, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, who suffers for the contempt with which men treat JESUS and MARY, pray for us.
MOST LOVING HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH, who suffer from the contempt with which men treat the APPARITIONS of JESUS and MARY, pray for us.
HEIR OF GOD, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us Lord.
HEIR OF GOD, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Let us pray:
Almighty and Eternal GOD, WHO FORMED the LOVING HEART of SAINT JOSEPH, to LOVE, DEFEND and GUARD the CHILD JESUS and the HOLY VIRGIN MARY, and also to be the Guide, Protector and MASTER OF LOVE of all souls of good will, we ask YOU, that through the Powerful Intercession of this same HEART, we may be freed from all evils and sins, and be led to the 'Perfect LOVE' of YOU, YOUR SON and the HOLY VIRGIN MARY, so that, by faithfully serving YOU in this life, through YOUR MERCY we may be admitted to YOUR HOLY PRESENCE, and to the PRESENCE of the HOLY VIRGIN MARY, who REIGNS beside YOU and WITH YOU, in ETERNAL GLORY. So be it.
Prayers and Jaculatories Dedicated to St. Joseph
Remember St. Joseph
Remember, O most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, my loving protector, that it has never been heard that any of those who have invoked Your protection and implored Your help have been without consolation. With this confidence, I come before You; I fervently commend myself to You.
Oh, do not despise my supplications, foster Father of the Redeemer, but deign to receive them favorably. Amen!
Asking for St. Joseph's protection
O, Saint Joseph, patron saint of families and workers, You who loved and protected the Virgin Mary in the joyful moments and in the anguish of Her maternal mission; and who supported and guided the first steps of the Child Jesus on earth: support and guide us on the paths of our life in this world; and protect and help us still in our work, so that we can earn a living by the sweat of our brow and live in joy and peace in our families, always doing God's will. Amen.
For the Conversion of a Sinner
O just and glorious St. Joseph, I commend to You unceasingly the salvation of the soul of ..............., ransomed at the cost of the precious Blood of Jesus. You know, great saint, how unhappy are those who, having banished the Divine Savior from their hearts, are exposed to losing him for all eternity. Don't allow this soul, which is so dear to me, to be separated from Jesus for too long. Make Her aware of the dangers that threaten Her. Speak strongly to his heart. Return this prodigal son to the bosom of the best of parents and do not leave him without having opened the gates of heaven to them, where he will eternally bless you for the happiness you have achieved for him. Amen.
Saint Joseph, nurturing father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us.
Prayer of Supplication
Glorious Saint Joseph, who was exalted by the Eternal Father, obeyed by the Incarnate Word, favored by the Holy Spirit and loved by the Virgin Mary, I praise and bless the Most Holy Trinity for the privileges and merits with which it has enriched You. You are most powerful and it has never been heard of that anyone has turned to You and been forsaken by You; You are the comforter of the afflicted, the support of the miserable and the advocate of sinners. Therefore, with fatherly kindness, welcome those who invoke You with filial trust and grant me the grace I ask of You: .... (make the request). I choose You as my special protector. Be, after Jesus and Mary, my consolation on this earth, my refuge in misfortunes, my guide in uncertainties, my comfort in tribulations, my solicitous father in every need. Finally, obtain for me, as the crown of Your favors, a good and holy death in the grace of Our Lord. So be it.
St. Joseph, Patron of the Church
O Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, You who, at the side of the Incarnate Word, worked every day to earn bread, drawing from it the strength to live and work, You who tasted the worry of tomorrow, the bitterness of poverty, the precariousness of work, You who radiate the example of Your figure, humble before men, but great before God: look at the immense family entrusted to You. Bless the Church, sustaining Her ever more on the path of evangelical fidelity; protect the workers in their hard daily life, defending them from discouragement, from negative revolt, as well as from the temptation of hedonism; intercede for the poor, who continue the poverty of Christ on earth, raising up for them the continuous providences of their more gifted brothers and sisters; and guard peace in the world, that peace which can only guarantee the development of peoples and the full fulfillment of human hopes, for the good of humanity, for the mission of the Church, for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.
To St. Joseph
And You, most holy Patriarch, head of the earthly Trinity, helper of the weak and comforter of the afflicted, deign to hear my humble supplications, and obtain for me the grace I ask for and expect from Your protection. Who but You did Jesus turn to when He needed anything on earth? And what name did He invoke when He found himself in danger, if not Yours, most powerful and admirable Joseph? In You, spouse of the Queen of Heaven, nurturing father of God made man, Our Lady had all Her trust when She lived in this world. We know that You do not now lack the power You had in the first place, but that it has been added to You in heaven; so I hope with all confidence that my supplications will be answered, and that You will also grant me the grace to profit from this exercise.
Hail St. Joseph
Hail St. Joseph, Chosen of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among men, and blessed is Thy Most Loving Heart, Patron and Co-redeemer with Jesus and Mary. Saint Joseph, Father of the Son of God and Our Father, assist us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Prayer of Hope and Trust
Most Glorious St. Joseph, loved and distinguished by the Most Holy Trinity, which has all Her delights in You, obeyed and respected by the Only Begotten of God himself who called You His Father, and listened to with respect and submission by the Queen of angels and saints, we come before You to beg You not to ignore our pleas. We have come today, and we hope to return every day of this month full of confidence in Your extraordinary protection; grant that each day we may leave consoled and return to the next with greater confidence in view of the graces we have received. You do not lack power, because the Almighty has left our salvation in Your hands; neither do You lack love, because we are Mary's little children and Jesus' brothers, and therefore Your children too. May our faults and imperfections not be an obstacle to Your great mercy; if our sins make us unworthy of being heard, Your love and goodness are immeasurably greater, and You will not fail us. Hear us, St. Joseph, in You we hope. We will not be confused. Amen.
Prayer to St. Joseph of St. Clement
Saint Joseph, my tender Father, I place myself under Your protection forever; consider me as Your son and preserve me from all sin. I throw myself into Your arms so that You may accompany me on the path of virtue and assist me at the hour of my death. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give You my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give You my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may my soul expire in peace among You.
Saint Joseph, who died in the arms of Jesus and Mary, my loving protector, help me in all the needs and dangers of life, but especially at the supreme hour, come and soften my pain, wipe away my tears, gently close my eyes, while pronouncing the sweetest names: Jesus, Mary, Joseph Save my soul. Amen.
To You, St. Joseph, we turn in our tribulation. O most loving Father, drive away from us the plague of error and vice. Assist us from the heights of heaven, our strongest support, in the struggle against the power of darkness and just as You once saved the threatened life of the child Jesus from death, so now defend the Holy Church of God against the snares of Her enemies and against all adversity. Help each one of us so that, through Your powerful patronage, we may live virtuously, die piously and attain eternal bliss in heaven.
O Saint Joseph, grant us a pure life. Saint Joseph, pray for us and for all humanity. Amen.
Glorious St. Joseph, pray for us.
Prayer of Consecration to St. Joseph
We prostrate ourselves at Your feet, most glorious St. Joseph. It would be an injustice not to recognize the countless benefits we have received from You, and a black ingratitude not to express our gratitude to You. What are we going to do and what are we going to give You, poor and without merit as we are? This is what we have come to offer You. We are worth nothing, we can do nothing, but what we have, our life, our strength, our activity or at least our good will, this we offer You, and from now on we propose to consecrate ourselves entirely to Your service, and to work as much as depends on us, so that You may be known and loved by all, and Your devotion may spread more and more, so that those who honor You and share in Your graces may be ever more numerous. We are weak and fickle, we know it, and we weep, but that is why we come to You, so that You may intercede for us and obtain from God grace and perseverance in it. Remember that it has never been said that anyone has implored Your help and not been consoled by You; welcome us, accept us now as Your servants and as Your slaves and children in heaven. Amen.
Rosary of the Holy Spirit
The rosary consists of 5 mysteries. It is prayed on normal rosary beads.
On the First Three Beads
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to the Father...
Meditating on the Mysteries

First Mystery: The Appearance of the Holy Spirit in the Creation of the World.
Second Mystery: The Apparitions of the Holy Spirit to the Prophets of the Old Testament.
Third Mystery: The Apparitions of the Holy Spirit to Mary Most Holy since Her Immaculate Conception, prolonged throughout Her most holy life, His Mystical Union with Her, and also His Mystical Union with the soul of St. Joseph.
Fourth Mystery: The Apparition of the Holy Spirit to Mary Most Holy on the Day of Pentecost and the Descent upon the Apostles.
Fifth Mystery: The Apparitions of the Holy Spirit and His extraordinary Messages at the JacareĆ Apparitions, preparing the World for His historic Second Descent at the Second Worldwide Pentecost.
On the Large Beads
Come Holy Spirit. Come through the powerful mediation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Most Holy and the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph.
On the Small Beads
O Holy Spirit by Thy most burning Love for Most Holy Mary and Saint Joseph, come down upon my soul and the whole world.
Prayer to the Divine God the Holy Spirit
O Holy Spirit, my God, I adore You. Come O my Heaven and penetrate my soul with Your Light.
O Peace of my soul, come down upon me and dwell in my heart forever.
Yes my Lord, I will love You forever. My heart shall be Your Tabernacle.
Yes, my heart shall be the Lord's and shall beat only for Him; my body shall breathe only for Him; my mind shall think and conceive ideas only for Him; my feet shall walk only for Him.
From each day of my existence, the song of perfect adoration and the incense of Love will rise to Him.
Yes, may all this be done through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the most Loving Heart of St. Joseph.
Lord, You are my Abba, my Alpha, my Omega, and my Peace. Come down upon me and abide with me always.
Consecration to the Divine God the Holy Spirit
O Holy Spirit, my Lord and God.
I, a poor sinner, consecrate myself all to You through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
and by the most Loving Heart of St. Joseph.
I consecrate my mind to You, so that I may always think of the Love that You deserve.
How much You are offended and grieved by men, and the Holy duty to repay and console You.
I consecrate my tongue to You so that I always propagate Your Messages of the Apparitions of Jacarei, and Your Holy Hour to everyone.
I consecrate my heart to You so that I love You with all my strength.
O Holy Spirit, bless me, strengthen me, help me in all my spiritual and temporal needs and weaknesses, and above all, enkindle me with Your Divine Fire of Love for Mary Most Holy, Your Divine Spouse, so that I may love Her with Your own Love and as You wish me to love Her.
Protect me, O Holy Spirit, so that by serving You faithfully in this life, I may praise You, love You, and give You thanks in Heaven forever.
Rosary of the Holy Angels
The rosary consists of 9 decades, in honor of the nine Choirs of Angels. (*) In each decade we salute a different Holy Angel each time.
Opening Prayers
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.
O Most Holy Choirs of the Angels of the Lord, prostrate at Your Feet, I come to have recourse to You by means of this Angelic Rosary, beseeching You to come without delay to the aid of my soul so much in need to teach me the true Devotion to the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, so that my soul may be united to Them forever by perfect Love.
Lead me O Holy Angels, my Friends and my Loves to the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph, that He may lead me and enclose me in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and in the bosom of the Eternal Father who are all my Love for all Eternity. Amen.
First Salutation
I salute You, O Celestial Choir of Seraphim, and You Holy Lumael (*), asking You to overwhelm me with a perfect Love for the Lord, the Mother of God, and Saint Joseph, so that I may love Them with all my strength, with all my heart, and have for Them true, unselfish, faithful, loyal, constant, persevering, humble, tender, pure, and holy Love. Amen.
On the Large Bead
O Holy Seraphim, by Thy most ardent Love of God, lead me to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and teach me true Devotion to Them. Amen.
On the Small Beads
Holy Seraphim, lead me to the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph, and through Him and in Him to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Most Holy.
Second Salutation
I salute You, O Heavenly Choir of the Cherubim, and You, Saint Uriel (*), asking You to grant me absolute and total obedience to the Messages of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the Apparitions of JacareĆ, even if everything and everyone is against me, so that I may spread Their Messages, console Them, fight and work for Them with courage, perseverance, and dedication every day of my life. Amen.
Third Salutation
I salute You, O Heavenly Choir of Thrones and You, Saint Benuriel (*), asking You to grant me great Strength in the temptations of the Devil, a deep Trust in the United Sacred Hearts, and a total Love of Prayer, especially the Holy Rosary and the Prayers that the Sacred Hearts gave us in the Apparitions of JacareĆ. Amen.
Fourth Salutation
I salute You, O Celestial Choir of the Dominions, and You, Saint Moriel (*), asking You the Grace to dominate my passions, earthly attachments, and my senses, so that I may die to myself at all times and be docile, obedient, ready, and loyal in fulfilling the Will of the Sacred Hearts, and desire no other Love in my life than Theirs. Amen.
Fifth Salutation
I salute You, O Heavenly Choir of Powers, and You, Saint Mariel (*), asking You the Grace of Love for the Sacred Hearts and for the Holy Desire for Holiness that consists in loving the Sacred Hearts with perfection, so that I may grow each day in Wisdom, Love and Grace before Them, and so my life may become a hymn of perfect Love for Them. Amen.
Sixth Salutation
I salute You, O Heavenly Choir of Virtues, and You Saint Daniel (*), asking for the Grace to detach myself from creatures, from goods, and from everything that hinders my soul, so that I may mortify my will and fulfill more and more perfectly the Will of the Sacred Hearts that is revealed to me in Their Apparitions and Messages, and thus become worthy of Them and of Their holy friendship. Amen.
Seventh Salutation
I salute You, O Heavenly Choir of the Principalities, and You Saint Aniel (*), asking for the Grace to preserve me from the sin against the Holy Spirit, which has no forgiveness neither in this life nor in the next, and which consists in denying, persecuting, attacking, staying away from, and not obeying the Apparitions and Messages of the Sacred Hearts, and so I obey Their Messages in the Apparitions of JacareĆ with holy Love and trembling. Amen.
Eighth Salutation
I salute You, O Celestial Choir of Archangels, and You Saint Uriel (*), asking You the Grace to break with all that distances me from the Apparitions and Messages of the Sacred Hearts in Jacarei, and to despise everything and everyone who opposes Them and Their Messages, so that I may serve Them and obey Their Messages with total freedom, dedication, and fervor, so that Their hearts may triumph, and the Infernal Empire may be overthrown in the whole world. Amen.
Ninth Salutation
I salute You, O Heavenly Choir of Angels, and You Saint Mariel (*), asking You for the Grace to persevere in obedience to the Messages of the Sacred Hearts in the Apparitions of JacareĆ, perseverance in prayer and good works, Victory over the temptations of the Devil, and the Eternal Salvation of my soul, so that I may thank You and praise You in Heaven forever. Amen.
Closing Prayer
Noble Queen of Heaven, sovereign teacher of the Angels,
who from the beginning received from God
the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan,
We humbly ask You,
Send Your heavenly legions so that,
under Your orders, and by Your power,
They pursue the demons, fighting them everywhere,
suppressing their insolence, and casting them into the abyss.
Who is like God?
O Mother of goodness and tenderness,
You will always be our Love and our hope.
O Divine Mother,
Send the Holy Angels to defend us,
And drive away from us the cruel enemy.
Holy Angels and Archangels,
Defend us and guard us. Amen.
Litany sung to the Holy Angels
Invoking the Holy Angels that appeared in JacareĆ
Holy Angels of God, ora pro nobis.
Saint Michael, ora pro nobis.
Saint Gabriel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Raphael, ora pro nobis.
Saint Manuel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Mariel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Lumael, ora pro nobis.
Saint Benuriel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Nael, ora pro nobis.
Saint Joriel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Juliel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Oriel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Muriel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Neriel, ora pro nobis.
Saint Teriel, ora pro nobis.
Consecration to the Holy Angels
O Holy Angels, O Angels of Light of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate myself all to You. I consecrate my mind to You so that I may always think of Your existence, of how much You are forgotten by men, and of the Love that You deserve to receive from all of us human beings.
I consecrate to You my tongue, so that I will always pray to You, praise You, and propagate Your Messages of the Apparitions of JacareĆ, Your Holy Hour of Prayer, and Your Devotion to all. I consecrate my heart to You so that, together with God, with Mary Most Holy, with Saint Joseph and the Saints, I will love You with all my strength.
I promise to make Your Holy Hour of Prayer every Tuesday at 9 o'clock in the evening, with Love, Devotion and Fidelity. And to lead, all the people I can to do it too.
Bless me O Holy Mighty Angels, of God and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me in all my spiritual and temporal needs; strengthen me in my weaknesses. Assist me in the hour of my agony, and give me strength to always fulfill the Will of God my Lord and of Mary Most Holy, so that by serving Them faithfully in this life, I may one day praise Them, love Them, and give Them thanks in Heaven with You for all Eternity. Amen.
Rosary of the Saints of God
The rosary consists of 6 decades. (*) Each decade is prayed to a different Saint each time.
Opening Prayers
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.
First Decade
We salute You O Saints of Heaven, and You, Saint Lawrence of Brindisi (*), asking You the Grace of firm and sincere Faith, so that I may believe firmly in all the truths of the Catholic Faith, defend them always, and propagate them with courage, so that the Kingdom of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph may be expanded more and more on earth. Amen.
On the Large Bead
O Saints, Friends of God, burn me with a true Love for the Lord, for the Most Holy Mary and St. Joseph, and teach me obedience to Their Will. Amen.
On the Small Beads
O Saint Lawrence of Brindisi (*), lead me to the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and teach me perfect Love for Them. Amen.
Second Decade
I salute You, O Saints of Heaven, and You, Saint Mary Euphrasia (*), asking You to abase me with a perfect Love for the Lord, the Mother of God and Saint Joseph, so that I may love Them with all my strength, with all my heart, and have for Them unselfish, faithful, loyal, constant, persevering, humble, tender, pure and holy Love. Amen.
Third Decade
I salute You, O Saints of Heaven, and You Saint Peter of Alcantara (*), asking You to grant me absolute and total obedience to the Messages of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the Apparitions of JacareĆ, even if everything and everyone stands against me, so that I may spread Their Messages, console Them, fight and work for Them with courage, perseverance and dedication all the days of my life. Amen.
Fourth Decade
I salute You, O Saints of Heaven and You, Saint Raphael Kalinowski (*), asking You for the Grace to mortify my passions, earthly attachments, my senses, so that I may die to myself at all times and thus also detach myself from creatures, possessions and everything that embarrasses my soul, so that I may fulfill ever more perfectly the Will of the Sacred Hearts that is revealed to me in the Apparitions of JacareĆ, serving Them in total inner freedom and may be worthy of Them and Their Holy Friendship. Amen.
Fifth Decade
I salute You, O Saints of Heaven, and You, Saint Rose Gattorno (*), asking You for the Grace of the desire for Holiness, which consists in knowing how to love the Sacred Hearts with perfection, so that I may grow more and more each day in Wisdom, Love and Grace before Them, and thus my life may become a hymn of perfect Love to Them. Amen.
Sixth Decade
I salute You O Saints of Heaven, and You, Saint Clare of Montefalco (*), asking You for the Grace that I may break with all that keeps me from the Apparitions and Messages of the Sacred Hearts in JacareĆ, that I may despise everything and everyone that opposes Them and Their Messages. May I be preserved from the sin against the Holy Spirit that has no forgiveness neither in this life nor in the next, and that consists in denying, persecuting, attacking, staying away from, and not obeying the Apparitions and Messages of the Sacred Hearts, and so I obey the Messages of Their Sacred Hearts in the Apparitions of Jacarei with holy love and trembling.
Concluding Prayer
O Saints, Friends of God and Brothers of mine, grant me through this Holy Rosary the graces necessary for our Sanctification, and my Eternal Salvation, so that my life may become a hymn of Love to God and to the United Sacred Hearts, so that after living united to You in this life, I may go to praise You with You forever in Heaven. Amen.
By Your merits, Saints of God, deliver us from every evil.
By Your works and pains, Saints of God, deliver us from every evil.
By Your martyrdoms and tears, Saints of God, deliver us from all evil.
By Your love and fidelity to God, Saints of God, deliver us from all evil.
By Your obedience to God, Saints of God, overthrow the Infernal Empire. Amen.
Litany sung to the Saints of God
Saint Ippolito, ora pro nobis.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola, ora pro nobis.
Saint Joseph Benedict Lusmei, ora pro nobis.
Saint Margaret of Cortona, ora pro nobis.
Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, ora pro nobis.
Saint Peter of the Cross, ora pro nobis.
Saint Peter Claver, ora pro nobis.
Saint Teresa Benedict, ora pro nobis.
Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, ora pro nobis.
Saint Nilus of Sinai, ora pro nobis.
Saint Mary Domenica Mazzarello, ora pro nobis.
Saint Justin, ora pro nobis.
Saint Zeno of Verona, ora pro nobis.
Consecration to the Saints of God
O Saints of God, Friends of the Lord, and Brothers of mine, I consecrate myself to You totally today. I consecrate myself totally to You, now and forever in time and in Eternity.
I consecrate my mind to You, that I may always think of Your existence, Your action in the world, Your power with God, Mary Most Holy, and Saint Joseph; of the love that You have for all of us and that You deserve from us, human beings, to receive.
I consecrate my tongue to You, so that I may always praise You, propagate Your lives, Your Messages of the Apparitions of JacareĆ, Your Devotion and Your Holy Hour to everyone.
I consecrate my heart to You so that, together with God, with Mary Most Holy, with Saint Joseph, I love You with all my strength.
I promise to do Your Holy Hour every Wednesday at 9 o'clock in the evening, with love, devotion and fidelity, and to try to lead all the souls that I can to do it too. I promise to love You, obey You, and imitate You, all the days of my life.
Bless me O Saints of God, my friends and brothers. Strengthen me in my weaknesses. Help me in all my spiritual and temporal needs, and above all, in the hour of my death. Bless me O Mighty Saints of God, that living united with You in this life, I may one day praise You, love You, and give You thanks in Heaven forever. Amen.
List of Catholic Saints on Wikipedia
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary š¹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary