Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus hidden in the most Holy Eucharist. I believe, hope in You and love You my Lord, God and King. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion, Jesus and for the opportunity to adore You in this beautiful church. Praise You my Lord. Lord, I am most grateful for Your blessings. Thank You for the visit yesterday. It was good being with our family. Bless our children and grandchildren, Lord. We love each one and pray for their salvation and that we will all be united in faith one day. I pray for all people who do not know the love of God that they will experience it, Jesus. For those who are working against the Kingdom of God, that they may be converted by Your love. Give us graces for conversion, Lord. Hold us tightly in Your embrace, Jesus, close to Your Sacred Heart. Be with me this week and in every meeting I have with others. May they be an encounter with You, Jesus. Lord, heal all who are ill including (names withheld), and all who are suffering from cancer, renal failure, Alzheimer’s and dementia, neurological disorders and Covid-19. Please give the people and families caring for them graces to hold up under tremendous pressure and fatigue. Renew their strength by the power of Your love. Protect our country and purify it, Lord.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me today?
“My child, My child, I speak to My Children of Light through many messengers now. In these present days, I employ the means necessary so that all may know of Me and what I am planning. The end of this age is nearing and the new era will begin. In this transition time there is much upheaval. The evil one knows his days are numbered, My little lamb. He is working much evil as a result. He distracts My children with issues and causes that sound worthwhile, but they are not. It is difficult for mankind, especially in the western world to know what I mean by ‘worthwhile’. Think of everything now in terms of salvation and My Kingdom. Ask yourselves, ‘Is this a salvation issue?’ and if it is not, do not allow yourselves to be distracted. My child, I remind you and all My children that I have already triumphed over sin and death. All who follow Me, keep My Commandments and truly love Me will do so, as well. Therefore, be at peace. Do not fear. This does not mean (by being at peace) that you have no concern for the evil around you. It is very concerning, I realize this. Take all of your concerns to prayer. Bring them to Me, My children. Ask the saints and angels to intercede for you. Pray, pray, pray and at the same time love. Share with them, My little ones, share out of your needs and do not count the cost.”
“My child, you are very concerned about your country. Again, I say I am with you. Things will grow worse before they are better. Be prepared. Do all that you can to prepare for those I send you. It will work out My child but put your attention to the final preparations. Do this now while there is still some time. Finalize the evangelization packets and the material. Recall the early days of the Church. My disciples instructed new believers. You will also. You will welcome people into your homes even before I send them in great numbers. Form close family connections and networks with your brothers and sisters in Christ. This will assist you in preparing for the spiritual battles to come. My child, you and My son must finish the preparations in your own home. Do what you can and allow Me to do the rest. My child, do not feel overwhelmed. Do what you can each day. Plan what is needed and determine how to accomplish this. You know what to do. I will guide and direct you as I have all these years. Trust in My son (name withheld). He has all the skills needed to plan and organize the work. In time, I will send people to help, but do not wait until then. Do what you can now. Solicit assistance from your family members. Trust Me. All will be well. Let us continue. You have already accomplished much, My little ones. Focus on the tasks at hand. There are still projects to complete. My daughter, I am working behind the scenes to help your building plans. Do not give up when things look bleak. Things are not always how they appear. Depend on Me. Reconsecrate this project to the Holy Family. Be confident, My children. I ask much of you, but realize this means that I also equip you with much grace. Resist the temptation to give over yourselves to doubt and worry. I am the God of Victory. Many battles are fought before victory can be declared. Remember, I have already won the victory and My children must continue to fight in the spiritual realm through prayer, fasting, good works, charity, frequenting the Sacraments, reading Holy Scripture, and living life with family and friends. Always set a good example for your children and grandchildren. Be joyful in prayer and in all that you do so as to give them confidence in the love of the Lord. Serving the Lord should be a joyful endeavor. If you do not have joy, pray for this grace. Cast off fear and focus on trusting in Me. If you fully trusted in Me, you would have greater peace and joy.”
“Love one another. Each person in your life has been carefully placed there by God. Treat one another with great care and respect (each person). I work through you, My children. It is a mutual giving and receiving of love. While one person gives love, they are also receiving grace. You have heard the expression that people often say when they have done a good work for another; that they feel they were the one who was blessed. It is a mutual giving and receiving. Do all things with love for Jesus, My children. My disciples have not shown the world enough love and joy. If they had, the whole world would have already converted. Be joyful, My children, even in the midst of great suffering there can be great joy. This does not make sense in worldly terms, but in the spiritual life it is reality. Remember this—if God is for me—who can be against me? No one, My children, other than the evil one. But then, what does it matter for you have the Lord God! Be of good cheer. Focus on Me. Pray to be in My Will. Let us do all things together. Invite Me into your lives and into your homes. Invite Me into your work and into the time spent with your families and friends. I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace and in My love.
Thank You, Jesus. Amen!
Source: ➥