Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus ever present in the most Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of love. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion this morning. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to visit You in this most beautiful church, Jesus. It is such a blessing and a grace to be here with You, Lord. Thank You for the meeting today with (name withheld). She is a beautiful soul, Lord. I’m glad (name withheld) introduced us and that she was happy to sit with us at Mass. You are amazing, Lord! They way You bring Your people together is a reflection of Your love and care for souls. I pray she will return to Mass, Lord and that she will find her home within the Church. My heart is full of gratitude for the great grace of our meeting. Thank You, Lord God! Praise, honor and glory to You, Lord Jesus Christ!
Lord, please protect (name withheld). She is going through a tumultuous time. Be with her and lead her back to You. I pray also for (name withheld) daughter who is also away from the Church. Bring them both safely home, Lord. Jesus, please protect the children who are victims of abuse. Free them from all forms of abuse and slavery. Lord, guide those who are working to recover the children who are victims of sex trafficking. Please end all violence, Lord and purify our nation and the world of these evils and also the evil of abortion. Save us from ourselves, Lord.
Jesus, please give (names withheld) special graces and blessings on their birthdays. Thank You for the gift of family and friends. Lord, I pray for all those who have died recently, for my friends (names withheld) and for comfort for their families. Take their souls to Heaven, Lord Jesus. I pray also for those who are ill, for those who will die today or tonight and especially for those who may be unprepared for death. Draw them close to Your Sacred Merciful Heart, my Lord.
Jesus, thank You for Your deep, perfect love for souls. Forgive me of my sins, Lord. Grant me mercy and give me the needed graces to help me avoid sin so that I never disappoint You again. Please have mercy on those who have never been acquainted with You, Jesus. I need to assemble the evangelization packets, and I also need to order the brochures I haven’t included, yet. Please provide me with the means to purchase them, Lord. Thank You that (name withheld) wants to help with this project. Thank You for sending me friends in Christ. I am very blessed and grateful!
Lord, have You anything to say to me today? Would you prefer I sit in silence and adore You, my Jesus?
“My daughter, I do have words for you and for My Children of Light. Please write.”
Yes, Jesus.
“My little one, thank you for your loving witness today. I do care for each and every soul created by God to know, love and serve Me. Yes, My child I did say ‘serve’. When one loves another, does the one who loves not long to serve the beloved? Yes, My child, you know this is true. When a soul comes to know Me, they grow in their love for Me and when they love Me, it is only natural that out of this love they want to do something out of love for Me. It is the same for Me, My child. Out of the depths of My great love for My people, I wanted to take action out of service of My love. Because the love of God is perfect, it was only a matter of time, the time that was decided by the Trinity, that this love took on the form of Man during the incarnation. In this way, My love became a Man so that I could be closer to My people and in this way reveal the love of the Father through the Son. Out of service to Man, because of My great love, I bore the sins of Mankind, though I was without sin and took them upon Myself and died for these sins. This I did out of great love. This is why it is fitting to say true love involves sacrifice. The Son of Man paid the price, the ultimate sacrifice to redeem Mankind and provide the way to make it possible for souls to come to Heaven. So, you see My little lamb, it is accurate and applicable even in today’s culture and always to say that God made/created souls so they could know, love and serve God. Service flows from love, My child and when one serves another out of love it is not a form of servitude or slavery. It is the opposite. For one who loves, service is a joy, it is done freely and with love. This is why I came to serve and to save. My Apostles and holy priest sons are also called to serve. All of My children, love one another as I have loved you. Be willing to put your love into service of one another. Put others first, My children before yourselves. Love God with your whole heart and you will then love your neighbor as yourself. Focus on living the Gospel, My children. Really live the Gospel. Be aware of those around you. Be cognizant of their needs. If you don’t know, for many times one doesn’t know, be open to My Holy Spirit. I will guide you. I know each person’s need, each heart’s longing, each one’s wounds and their joys. I understand each and every person completely. My children, when you come to Heaven, you will be fully and completely known and loved. You will be completely understood. For now, realize that you cannot possibly fully understand your brothers and sisters, nor can you know them completely. However, I do and I will guide you. Be open to My promptings of My Holy Spirit. Welcome the stranger, or the one who is outside of your ‘group’ and invite them into your inner circle. Befriend the friendless. Share what you have with others. I will help you to meet the needs of others, My children. Each day pray this prayer that I have given to My daughter (*prayer is printed below) and you will be more open to the movements of My Holy Spirit in service of love. Be joyful in your giving, My children, out of gratitude for all I have done and continue to do for you. I love you and I want to love others through you. In this way, you will spread the Gospel of love and life. In this way, others will come to know Me through you.
Begin to live My love now, My children. The time grows short. More souls are in need of love. There are many who are in great darkness. They live in fear, My children. They do not know the joy of the Lord. They do not know what it is to be in peace having been forgiven of all their sins. They do not know what a peaceful night’s sleep is, My children, or the warmth of true, loving friends. They have never experienced unconditional love. How will they come to know Me if you do not introduce them to Me? Be loving witnesses to the Love, to the Light, to the Way, to the Truth. Love one another as I have loved you. In this way, you will be of service to the One who loves you and to My children. In this way, we will build the Kingdom of God on earth. We will do this together, My Children of Light.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God for Your words of grace, wisdom, love and light. Thank You for Your mercy and peace.
“My child, My child, I have heard your prayers from the longing in your heart for souls. I am just as attentive to the souls of your children and grandchildren as I am to all souls. Be assured that they are in My hands and all will be well.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, help me to be more loving. Forgive me the times I judged another or had a wrong impression of them. Lord, put aside any false notions I have about others and help me to see You in them. Lord, thank You for Your patience with me. Help me this week to be a source of joy and hope to those I encounter. Lord, It’s going to be very, very cold this week. Help me to encounter the homeless and to invite them in if possible, or give them a warm blanket or something warm to eat and drink. Help me to do Your Will, Lord in each action I take and in the words I speak. Help me to use my words for love, Lord and not for anger or criticism. Jesus, help me to be merciful. May I be quick to forgive, Lord and soothe others especially those who may have bitterness in their hearts due to deep wounds. Work through me, Lord to bring love and healing, even if I am unaware, Lord. Use me as Your instrument.
“Thank you, My child, My little lamb. I will use you, My daughter and I am already using you each day. Thank you for your ‘yes’ again today, My child. When you give Me your ‘yes’ I am able to work through you and pass graces through you to others. Each child of Mine can be used in this way to further the Kingdom. All that is needed is your ‘yes’ and I will do the heavy lifting, My children. Invite Me, cooperate with Me and in this way the Gospel will be spread throughout the world. My child, this is all for now. Thank you for your love. I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, My children. Be love, Be mercy. Be light. Be peace. Be joy. I am with you and I will not leave you. Rest assured that I am with you.”
Amen! Alleluia. Praise be God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I love You, Lord!
“And I love you!”
*) Jesus, I desire to serve You in any way You choose to use me in service of love today. Jesus, I am weak and I am unable to meet the needs of others. You, Lord have every grace needed. You, Lord know exactly what each person I meet today needs. Use me Jesus, in whatever way You deem necessary. Make my heart an open vessel to convey Your love and mercy to others. Guide my every thought and action today, Lord in the service of Your kingdom where You live and reign and where we desire to be, Jesus. May Your kingdom come on earth as in heaven and may we love as if we were living there now, Lord. Give us willing hearts, clear minds, and able bodies to serve You as You desire, Jesus. May we love with the love You hold within Your sacred, merciful heart for without You we can do nothing, but with You all things are possible. Jesus, we place all of our hopes in You. Jesus, we trust in You. (May 18, 2014)
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