Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello my adorable Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. All praise, honor, glory and adoration to You, Lord God and King. Thank You for Holy Communion and Holy Mass, Lord. Thank You for the glorious music and for my family members and friends who were at Mass today. Thank You for the opportunity to come to adore You in this most holy place. Thank You for the special, holy priest son of Yours who makes it possible. Bless and protect him and all of Your holy priest sons. Grant them graces for continued holiness and for courage. Bless and protect our shepherds, Jesus, You who are the Good Shepherd. Lord, thank You for the many blessings You give to Your people and to me. Praise You for the gift of Your mercy, Your love and Your peace. Lord, I pray for Your divine intervention into (name withheld) life and that of her children. Bring her to You and to Your holy Church. I pray for all who are away from the One True Church, that we will be reunited one day as one family of believers with the same heart and mind in Your Divine and Holy Will. Lord, I pray for my children and grandchildren. Be with them, and give the guidance and direction to know and follow Your Will for them in their lives. I pray for all who are ill and for those who are dying this day, especially those who are unprepared for their deaths. Hold them close to Your Sacred Heart. Please console their loved ones and those caring for the sick and dying. Grant them the graces they need, Jesus. Lord, please protect my husband and continue to provide good health to him. Help his (ailment withheld) and if it is Your Will, please heal him. I pray also for (names withheld). May Your Will be done on the Earth as in Heaven and may we love as if we were living in Heaven now. Lord, help me to be love, as You have asked me to be countless times. Forgive me of my sins, Lord and increase Your mercy in me. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Blessed Mother during the month of May as we honor You, please give me more graces to fill in the many gaps I have. I am lacking in so many things, Blessed Mother and I want to love Your Son more than I do now. Please send me the Flame of Love and allow it to burn in my heart. Will You please ask Jesus? Thank You, Blessed Mother. I love You and I want to be more like You.
“My child, My child, there are many concerns on your heart not the least of which is concern for your country. My child, I understand your concern. It is a valid one. This nation was blessed beyond measure, My little lamb and with these blessings it has become obstinate, prideful, rebellious and the ones who are leading many astray have fired the fuel of their lust for power. They are distorted with so much evil, I hardly recognize them. I say hardly because I always recognize My children even when they are cloaked in evil, for I know all. (God knows everything and all people.) If they repent and convert, putting aside their evil plans and evil ways, I will forgive them. I can forgive even the most heinous sins, My little one. I died for them. I suffered a cruel and torturous death to redeem mankind out of My great love and mercy. No one, no created person could repay the debts of mankind. The offenses against God could only be repaid by the Son of Man and I willingly laid down My life for your redemption. My children, filled with evil, I can and will forgive you if you repent and turn from your wickedness. Come to Me now, My poorest of children. Come to Me before it is too late. The depths of My mercy is so vast, so long, so wide. My mercy is greater than all the oceans in the world. But, you must repent while you still have breath within you for once your soul leaves your body it is too late. Then, you will not desire repentance. Many of you do not desire it now or you despair for you listen to the lies of the evil one who has convinced you it is too late for you. Do not listen to the father of lies. Listen to God the Father who loves mankind. Listen to God the Son who gave up His life to redeem you. Listen to the Breath of Love, the Holy Spirit who loves each and every soul and unites God’s children to the Family of God through one Faith, one Baptism. He, the Holy Spirit, leads all in the spirit of truth and especially leads My Church. Awaken you, oh souls in misery and realize the Father in Heaven loves you. He gives you everything. He gave you life and you squandered it, just as the Prodigal Son squandered his inheritance, you are squandering yours. Be like the Prodigal Son who realized he would be treated better as a servant in his father’s house than the way he was living. So, he decided to return to his father’s home and beg forgiveness and to be treated as a servant. My poor children, the father did not even hear his request to be a servant. Do you know why? Not because he was angry at what the son had done, though he would have been perfectly within his right to be angry. No, he did not hear of it, because he didn’t want his son to utter such words because he is his father and his son is his true son. This is what you also are. You are sons and daughters of God. Nothing you do will change that. But, to be able to live in the Father’s house, you must repent, be sorry for your sins, turn from your old lives and follow Me. There is no sin too horrendous that I won’t forgive when there is true sorrow. I say again, there is no sin too horrible, My children. The only condition is on your desire, for I do not, I will not force Myself on My children who are endowed with free will. My children, if I forced Myself on you, or if I acted against your will, that would be against My nature. It would make Me be like a dictator on earth. I am no dictator. I cannot go against My nature because I am God. I am perfect and I cannot be what I am not. I am who I am.
My Children of Light, pray for your poor brothers and sisters who choose to live outside of the family of God. Pray for those who choose to do harm to the family of God. If they do not repent, they will be cast into the fires of Gehenna where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. To pray for their conversion is an act of mercy. Pray, pray, pray.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ for Your infinite mercy, for Your love that never gives up on mankind. Lord, protect us from evil and convert all who have hearts of stone. Give them hearts of flesh, Lord. Help me in my conversion process, Lord. Give me graces for conversion.
Lord, I know (name withheld) is suffering. Ease his pain, Lord. Remove this cross from him, Jesus. If you choose not to, then please help him to carry it. Lift it for him, Jesus so it won’t feel so heavy. Lord, be with me at work as I meet with people and help me to be a witness for them. It is difficult, with so much talk and pressure to take the vaccine. It is getting worse, Lord. Jesus, there may come a time in the near future they could make it mandatory. Protect us from this evil that will force so many to do what is against their will. I sense this is only the beginning, Lord.
“Yes, My child, this is the beginning of a world wide plan to subject all to tyranny. This is why My Mother said to pray for the conversion of Russia and that if mankind failed to pray, Russia would spread its errors throughout the world. This is what has happened, My child.”
Lord, I read about You weeping over Jerusalem in the holy scriptures. You saw and knew that the temple would be destroyed, Lord and yet You attempted to get the money changers to stop when You turned over their tables. Lord, it seems the world is more corrupt than the time You were on earth, the time of Your ministry.
“Yes, My little lamb, this is true. And even so, I will forgive those who repent. However, it is also true that many souls will not repent. They worship the evil one and all that he gives them. They are wasting their inheritance. This is the sad state of the world now, My child. Go and preach, teach and evangelize to reach many souls, My children before it is too late. My little one, I have mercy on all who come to Me. When My children fall into sin, they must get up right away and run to Me. Do not wait, My children, for many, many sins to darken your souls and your intellects. Come to Me soon. Come to Me often. I know how difficult the times have become and I see the darkness that moves over the earth. This is why you must shield your eyes from evil and cover your ears. Do not subject your beautiful souls to the sinful dung heaps and the environments of sin. You are called to be holy and set apart from evil. Ask My Mother to cover you with Her mantle of holiness. By being set apart, I do not mean that you are to avoid those who do not know Me. You must be instruments of My light and My love, otherwise, how would they know Me? What I want you to do, is to avoid occasions of sin. You know where there is temptation and evil lurking in the darkness. You know there is unholy media, movies and books that take your minds and hearts off God and have you looking at sin and evil. Do not touch these forms of entertainment that mock God and the beauty I have created. Do not watch evil, lewd, sinister shows but lift your hearts and minds to goodness, truth and beauty. Remain in the state of grace, My children. Do not toy with the tools of the evil one, for you will surely fall and this is not the life I want for you. Live in the shadow of My love, My peace, My grace, My mercy. Avail yourselves of the Sacraments and all that is good for you through the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Be at peace and keep your hearts at peace. Then you will be able to give peace and mercy to others. My child, this is all for today. My holy son (name withheld) is in pain and discomfort. Go now in My peace. My son, I thank you for your love and friendship. I thank you for being with Me even though it has been difficult. I give you graces, My son and know that I remain with you. I love you! My (name withheld), thank you for your love and for coming to Me with all that is on your mind and heart. I am glad to be not only your Lord and Savior, but also your friend. I long for this friendship with all of My children. Go now in peace, My son and My daughter. Be mercy, be love, be joy, be light. All will be well. Trust in Me.”
Thank You, Jesus! I love You!
“And I love you. I bless you, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I am with you. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥