Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, adore and praise You my Lord, God and King. It is so good to be here with You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and for Confession yesterday. Jesus, I am grateful for the Sacraments and for what You did to provide them for Your Holy Church. Thank You for Your passion, death and resurrection. Lord, I love You in the Most Holy Eucharist where Your glory is veiled so that we can gaze at You. Lord, please bless and protect Your Church, the Magisterium and all of the people. Protect and bless Your holy priest sons and beautiful holy religious who give their lives in service of Your Church. Lord, please heal all who are ill especially (names withheld) and all those who have requested prayers that I do not recall at the moment. Lord, please send graces for conversion and healing of all wounds, for those outside of the Church and far away from the Church. Unite us, Lord in the one true Faith. Help those who are persecuted for the Faith. There is much persecution in the world, just as You said there would be, Lord. Please help the suffering Church in China and Taiwan and in so many other places in the world. Relieve their suffering, Jesus and if it is Your Holy Will use it to purify Your Church and to make it more holy. Protect the remnant, Lord. Jesus, I pray for (name withheld) who has been through a lot. Help her, Lord.
“My child, My child I am working in and through your family. Give everything to Me. I will take care of each one and each concern. I want all of My children to trust in Me more. Do not be so concerned about things you have no power to control. Have confidence and trust in Me to resolve everything and to bring about My Will. Things will not always be resolved in the way My children think they should be, but still you must learn to trust in My perfect Will. My Will is what is best for each child of Mine. You do not usually know what is best, My children for you do not have full knowledge of the state of their souls, their hearts, the wounds they have, their life circumstances, or the full knowledge of all present situations, let alone the future. I know all, My children. I want what is best for My children, consequently give each and every concern to Me and then trust that I will take care of it and will take care of you. I am limited only by your lack of trust and your unwillingness to surrender your burdens to Me. Recall the numerous times I healed My children as recorded in the Gospels. Many of those healings were granted because of trust and confidence in Me. It was even sufficient for the ones who brought one in need of healing to have faith even if their friend or loved one was lacking in faith or was too ill to take action on their own. Have faith in Me, My Children of Light and you will see that all will be well. I am telling you that which you already know, but I remind you because many children of Mine pray and give Me their petitions, but continue to worry and fret over the problem. This is not trust, My children. When one continues to worry it demonstrates a lack of faith and trust in your Jesus. Do you not realize how much I love you? Do you not know that I went to the cross for love of you? Yes, I know that My children suffer human weaknesses. I know this and this is why I remind you to trust. Hope in Me, My beautiful children for all that I have in store for you. The evil one wants you to focus on all that he is doing. It is fine to be aware; to be discerning is wisdom. This is true and is a gift of the Holy Spirit to be spiritually alert, aware and open to My direction. However, do not constantly focus on the noise and distractions My adversary and yours creates. Keep your eyes on Me, on the saints, on My Most Holy Mother, Mary and on Heaven. Your beautiful lives are meant to be lived, My children. To live, one must be open to the possibilities each new day brings. What can be done to help one’s neighbor? What can be done today to bring someone closer to the love of God? What can be done to encourage or comfort someone? Awaken each day with resolve to bring My light to this dark world and I assure you, the world will become brighter fueled by My love, My hope, My peace, My mercy because you will be instruments of grace.”
“My children, there is much darkness, I know for I see all. I understand that you live in very troubling times, in fact the worst in history, and yet it is also the greatest time for My Children of Light because I am with you. My Mother’s Heart will triumph soon and many of you will see this in your lifetime. There is much grace in the midst of such darkness and I am counting on you to be light and salt to the world. Therefore, do all that I have requested of you. Pray the Most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Offer these for souls who are in need of love and conversion. Frequent the Sacraments and draw strength from them. I give abundantly to those who do My Will, follow Me and are well disposed to graces. You will not only receive many graces, but they will be very efficacious when you are in a state of grace (no mortal sin on your souls). Remain in Me, My children so that you will be able to share My love to a world so in need. My children if you do not have joy, pray for joy. Ask Me for whatever it is you need. Are you lacking in hope? Pray for hope. Are you lacking in peace? Pray for peace. I will give you whatever you need so that together we will bring about My Father’s Kingdom in the world. I love you, My children. All will be well. All will be well. Have faith and believe. You will see many miracles in the coming days as a result of your trust in Me. My (name withheld) and My (name withheld), I bless you and all your family in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, in My love and in My mercy. Be joy, be mercy, be love.”
Thank You, Lord. Praise You, Jesus.
Lord, I also want to ask for strength, health and abundant graces for (name withheld) on his birthday and throughout the year. Restore his health, Lord. He probably would not ask this of you for himself. He is so accepting of Your Will. I accept Your adorable Will also but I ask You so that he will be able to continue in his priestly ministry for us, your poor sheep. We are in such need of our good shepherds, Lord. I love (name withheld) and I know many people do. We have ‘lost’ many good shepherds, Lord and we need them. Please help him to have your strength as he ministers to souls at the retreat he is giving and at the Mass and healing service. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Thank You Lord for providing for us, Your children. I love You and praise You Lord, God who is Creator and Lord of all.
“And I love you, My little one. I am with you, My child. Go in My peace.”
Source: ➥