Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 28, 2021
1st Sunday of Advent

Hello my beautiful Savior hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament. All praise, honor, glory and love to You, my Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for the great opportunity to be here with You today. Thank You for Confession, Mass and Holy Communion. Lord, how can I begin to thank You for the abundant blessings You have given me? I know that I cannot adequately express my gratitude, Lord but You know what is in my heart. Thank You for Your love, mercy and concern for me and all of Your children. I am sorry for those who do not know You and those who do not love You. Jesus, what can I do for You today? My Lord, You know everything and You know that our neighbor’s house is on fire. Please help the firefighters to put it out. There are many trucks there now and a great deal of effort, but it seems to continue to burn. I pray the family is safe. I could not see them standing outside. It may be they are gone for the weekend. Lord, what a shock it will be if they return to find their home burned. Lord, there is nothing I can do now, but pray. When the fire is extinguished and the family returns, please help us to provide for them. I don’t know what will be of most help to them, Lord but guide us and help us all (neighbors) to be of assistance to them. Jesus, comfort them in their time of need and soften the blow for them. Help us to be good neighbors, Jesus. Lord, thank You for providing for Your children. Thank You for answered prayers. I pray for all who are sick, for those suffering/battling cancer, Alzheimer’s, end stage renal disease, neuromuscular diseases, auto-immune disorders and for all caregivers who are exhausted and weary. Please comfort them and send others to assist them.
Lord, I sense You have things to say to me.
“Yes, My child. You feel a sense of urgency and a weight is heavy on your heart.”
Yes, Lord.
“My little one, thank you for your prayers and for your concern for your neighbor. You will be of assistance, My daughter. I can assure you there will be many things to do to assist this family. Have willing hearts and minds and I will direct you all in what to do for them. My little lamb, I too am burdened by concern for My people. Many would say that I, your Jesus, do not have feelings and emotions since I am also God and I am in Heaven. This is not true. I have a human heart. A glorified body, yes but a glorified human body. I experienced an even greater depth of love than all human beings, because I am divine. In My humanity I have emotions, though perfectly balanced and based on truth and actual circumstances; not just based on feelings that come and go in creatures. Since I am true God and true Man I have a greater depth of love, a love that is perfect. I am love and all love is Me. Man will say that emotions are only a thing of this world. That is not accurate. If this were true, there would be no joy in Heaven and I assure you there is great joy in Heaven. People are not experiencing pain in Heaven. There is no sickness, no dying, etc., but there is genuine concern for the Church Militant. There is also absolute and complete trust in God. There is no fear, only complete trust and unity in the Will of God. Therefore, to say the Son of Man experiences no emotion, no concern for His children is inaccurate. Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for a friend. I died for each and every single person ever created and to ever be created out of the depths of My love. I came for this reason to redeem mankind. I still care, My children and therefore it is accurate to say I the Son of God, second person of the Trinity, am burdened by the sins of My children. I am concerned for their eternal salvation, especially since I paid the ultimate sacrifice to free man from the bondage of sin. Humanity, Oh, My poor humanity you continue to reject the love of God, as you have done throughout the history of creation? Why, My children do you prefer bondage, slavery to sin and death to freedom from sin, a life of holiness, and eternal life? If you truly understood the consequences of your actions, you would run to Me. Instead, you are blinded by materialism, greed and power and you strive for short term gains that will be burned as in a fire. Nothing will remain of your attempts to grasp fame, fortune and power, My children. They will end up like ashes that are blown away in the wind. They will be remembered no more. Strive instead for eternal life with the Father. Purify your hearts in the Sacrament of Confession. Begin a new life walking with your Jesus. I will help you. I will forgive. Together, we will work to populate the heavenly kingdom and you will find your lives to be beautiful. My children, I assure you there will always be suffering in this life as you live out the great pilgrimage on earth, but doing so with the angels and saints is more fulfilling and more beautiful than you can imagine. Trust in Me, My children. Do not trust in worldly powers that want to conquer My people to control them. This is not the Will of God. Reject all forms of tyranny, corruption, and all evil deeds. There is a worldly power bid by the evil one who plans your demise. Reject his plans. Do not cooperate with evil. Cooperate with goodness, truth and beauty. You will find Me in all of these things since I created goodness, truth and beauty.”
“My little lamb, there are people leading a very evil plan to harm My children. This is no surprise to you since you and many of My children understand the evil plan of abortion. Now, they target the vulnerable people—adults and elderly who are frail, little children and all the youth. These men would have no power over you if you rejected their plans for inoculation, “mandatory” testing and lockdowns. Do not follow along; do not cooperate. I do not want to create any confusion. I am not saying to “fight” in the physical sense, but use every weapon provided by Heaven, the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, prayers to saints and most importantly the Holy Mass. Resist spiritually by these means and there will be a much more clear outcome for good. My children, all is not lost. Do not give up. Pray, pray, pray. Frequent the Sacraments, fast and do penance for souls. Many souls are at stake, My children. The time is urgent and the time is now. If you have been ignoring My words and call to action, begin now. It is not too late to begin. Soon, it will be too late, so begin now. Pray for peace. Pray for conversion and reconciliation. Pray for an increase in love and mercy. Ask and it shall be given to you.”
Thank You, my Lord! Jesus, please be with (name withheld) especially during surgery tomorrow. Help him to handle the trip, the physical ordeal and guide the surgeon’s hand during the procedure. Lord, I ask You to heal (relationship withheld). I know You can, Jesus, if only You Will. I pray also for (name withheld) and ask You the same, Lord (for his healing). Give comfort and strength to the family members caring for them. It must be exhausting, Lord. Jesus, I entrust them to You. Lord, Your Church is suffering. I know You are aware of this and You have the utmost care and concern for Your Church. Please assist Your faithful ones. Give Your remnant the graces needed for perseverance, fortitude, patience, courage, faith, hope and above all love. Give us graces to love heroically. Jesus, free us from the corruption invading our country and the world. Lord, I know Yours in the final word. Yours is the victory. I believe in You and I trust You. Help us all to stay true to You, Lord. Do not allow me to forsake You, my Jesus even if I lose my life. May You hold me so close to Your Sacred Heart to be fused to You so that I will never ever abandon You. Please Lord. Lord Jesus, may Your kingdom come on Earth, as in Heaven.
“Yes, My child. My kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven. I will reign triumphantly through the Holy Eucharist. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. My Church and My teachings will be accepted by all during the Era of Peace. Before this time (the Era of Peace & My Eucharistic reign) the Time of Great Trials will be evident. This is so because afterwards the evil one and his minions will be chained for a time and will be unable to tempt anyone on Earth. People will still commit sins but not as many and not grave sins for there will be no evil spirits tempting My children. It will be a great time of peace, My children. A time when all will cooperate with one another in large tasks and people will support and help one another as brothers and sisters. The One True Catholic and Apostolic Faith will be shared and celebrated by all. Take heart, My children. The trials you are enduring and those yet to come will be temporary. Remember this and do not lose heart. I, your Jesus endured worse trials. I will be with you. Call on the saints to intercede for you now to help you prepare spiritually and physically. (Spiritual preparations are the most important.) All will be well, My Children of Light. Remember this when the darkness increases. My Light always prevails over darkness. I am with you, My little children. I will never abandon you. My Mother guides you, also. Ask Her to school you in Her school of love. She is the perfect disciple, Mother and friend. She guides My Church working with the Holy Spirit and in cooperation with the Will of the Trinity. (Always in union with the Divine Will.) Turn to My Mother, My children. All children need a mother and this is why I shared Her with you from the Holy Cross. She has been your Mother ever since. Remember Her, for She works tirelessly for you. My children, I hold nothing back from you. I give everything to you out of the depths of My heart; pierced for love of My children. My children who are lost, turn to Me like the good thief did and you will know mercy and forgiveness. Come to Me, My children now before it is too late for your souls.”
Thank You, Lord for Your love and mercy! Alleluia, Jesus. Prepare my heart for Christmas and help me to focus on You, Lord. Give me Your love, Your virtues, Your mercy, so that I will love as You love. Jesus, I know it is impossible for me to love with Your perfect, holy love, so love through me, Lord. Give me the gift to see others as You see them. Help me to forgive as You forgive, Lord. I am unable to forgive someone completely, though I want to do so. I bend my will to Yours, Lord and ask that You forgive through me. Only then will I love and forgive well, Jesus. Bless and protect our priests and religious, Lord. Cover them with Your mantle of protection during these perilous times. Let not one more soul be lost, Good Shepherd, Jesus. I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“Thank You, My little lamb. I love and trust you, also. My children, I am counting on you all to work tirelessly to save souls. Time is urgent, My children.”
“My child, I thank you and My son (name withheld) for being here with Me. Here there is a giving and receiving of love. I shower My little ones with graces during our time together.”
Thank You, my Jesus. I love You!
“And, I love you. Go now in peace, My child and take My words of hope to others. Be love. Be peace. Be joy. Be mercy. I bless you now in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen!
Source: ➥