Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, August 2, 2004
The New Jerusalem

My son: Very soon I will restore order and right, I will make of my creation a source of peace and concord, the same as of fraternity. My deportees will return with joy to occupy the places I have reserved for all those who were faithful in the trial. The crown of life will be girded on their heads and new garments will cover their bodies. Love and spirituality will be the seal of your souls; direct communication with the Creator, with the Redeemer and with the spirit, will be the spiritual food of my sheep. You will no longer hunger or thirst for God, for He Himself will be your nourishment. My new Jerusalem will be the land of provisions, it will be the promised land for all those who were faithful to me in the purification that I am about to perform. Do not fear the events that will happen if you remain faithful to your Father. He will protect you as a mother protects a newborn child in her lap; everything will pass like a dream so quickly that you yourselves will see the destruction of the entire force of evil. What is written in my gospels, in my 91st Psalm and in the book of revelations of my apostle John will be fulfilled.
The earth will be enveloped by the fire of my justice; only those who resist the fiery test of God will be called children of the Most High and heirs of the kingdom; the spiritual shield of my Psalm 91 will protect you. He will send his angels to guard you in all your ways, to carry you in their arms, so that your foot will not stumble on any stone. the protection I give you through this spiritual tool is unimaginable to you; no evil force will be able to touch my flock; for I have commanded my angels to guard and protect all those who have the seal of life, which is none other than the faithful observance of my precepts; the recitation of my 91st Psalm, the rosary of my Mother, as a protective shield, love and fidelity to God in all the trials of faith, through which you will pass, for you will be tested in mercy, in fidelity and above all in love.
The strength of love for God and for your brethren will be the passport that will lead you to the green pastures and to the fresh waters, where your shepherd will be waiting for you, so son, make known my messages of life, which are food, which are hope for all those who meditate on them and put them into practice.
"The kingdom of God is at hand". Do not be afraid.