Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Call of Jesus Eucharistic to Humanity.
I Have Appointed Archangels and Angel Custodians to Watch over You and Accompany You in All Your Ways!

My children, my peace be with you.
I have appointed archangels and angel custodians to watch over you and accompany you in all your ways. Call them, they are waiting for your invocations so that they can come and help you; speak with them, they remain at your side hoping that you will count on them to come and help you.
You do not know when you will need them; they, my Archangels and Angel Custodians, will come to your aid and will not permit you to be separated from the way that leads to Me. They are your friends and I have put them at your service; become friends with them; ask them and they will enthusiastically serve you.
My Archangels and Angel Custodians are your intercessors before Me, and I, your Father, never ignore the supplications of my beloved creatures in favor of their devotees. It is the Archangels and the Angel Custodians that, together with your Guardian Angel, watch over you and intercede for you so that you can complete the mission I entrusted to you and so that all be done in conformity with my designs. Call them, do not fear, they are enthusiastically waiting to serve you; employ them and they will fly with the speed of thought to help and offer you their company and service.
I give you, then, the company of my beloved angels so that you not feel alone, they will show you the path you ought to follow so that all be realized in conformity with my will. Always keep them present and they will remain at your side night and day, praying and interceding for you and your families. I give you the gift of this prayer so that you may call them and sense their presence, they are my beloved creatures; invoke then and they shall remain at your side.
(Protection for the time of purification)
Oh, holy Archangels and Angel Custodians, essences of the Love and the Wisdom of God; you are my friends and faithful counselors; come to me, holy Archangels and Angels, be my company night and day and do not let me lose my way. Remain at my side and defend me from the enemy of my soul, so that my walk be sure and all my works, acts and thoughts be in accord with the will of God; and thus may you and I glorify the Holy Name of the Most High.
Come, then, to me, oh Holy Creatures and let us praise together the Glory of God.
Remain in my peace, my children.
Your Master and Father, Jesus Eucharistic.
Make my messages known to all humanity.