Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, April 20, 2015
Urgent Call of God the Father to Humanity.
The Technology of Death Created by Man Will Be Turned Against Him and He Will Not Be Able to Control It!

My people, I give you my peace and blessing.
Nuclear energy will be a scourge for humanity, very soon the earth will begin to wobble and all the nuclear energy plants created by man will be destabilized and release radiation that the men of the science of this world will not be able to control. The unleashing of uncontainable leaks of radiation will contaminate the atmosphere of the planet, bringing dreadful consequences for humanity. The technology of death created by man will be turned against him and he will not be able to control it.
Death will come to many places of the earth, the air of the planet is going to be contaminated and the science of man will not be able to do anything. My creation will rebel against man for all the mistreatment and abuse that it has received; the radiation will desolate whole regions and my creatures will suffer mutations, the birds will die together with the marine creatures and the ground of the earth will bear only bad fruit.
A great famine is coming as in the old times of Egypt, incurable pestilence and sicknesses will arise decimating a great part of humanity. It will be the technology of death that will take charge of punishing the same mankind that devised it.
My people, the pride of life and the craving for power in the hearts of the kings of this world will unleash war and with it, death and desolation. I tell you that if I were not to intervene, the man of these end times would destroy my creation: Woe to you, Jerusalem, because your sons and daughters will go into exile, and many will die in the passage through the desert! The seals are now broken open and all that is written is about to be fulfilled just as it was announced by Daniel (Dan 12: 9, 10). The judgement of the nations is about to begin, the horsemen of my justice already ride around the earth from East to West, from North to South. Who can endure the days of my justice? Men of rectitude and sincere heart, those will be the only ones who will be saved.
Women of Jerusalem, intone chants of mourning and don sackcloth, because war is near and your men perhaps will not return! Woe, woe, woe, these are the woes of the daughter of Zion, who laments and groans without solace upon seeing herself violated and sullied! In the days of the great testing, men will be scarcer than the gold of Ophir.
My people, wake up from your lethargy, because the kings of this world muster for war; now are their steeds readied, now flies their avian steel; all is primed and planned to plunge my creation into mourning and decimate the human population. The peace among men is about to end. Pray, fast, do penance, my people, so that my just wrath not exterminate this ungrateful and sinful humanity, and so that there may remain survivors of this purification who will be my chosen people the day of tomorrow. Prepare yourselves, then, my people, because now is heard the war cry; convoke my heroes and intone canticles of victory, because the days of your freedom are near.
Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Nations.
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