Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Call from Sacramental Jesus to His Loyal People.
Rush My Children and Get Your Affairs in Order, Because the Great and Glorious Day of the Lord is Approaching.

Peace to you, my children.
The days when you will see my Glorious Cross in the blue sky are approaching, my Cross of Golgotha by which many will receive healing for their body and liberation in their souls. Prepare your selves my children for this great happening that will change your life and will announce the arrival of my Message. My Glorious Cross will be seen by all the inhabitants of the earth during seven days with its nights, from east to west and from north to south.
Contemplate it and meditate in the mystery of my passion and death so that you can receive healing in your bodies and liberation in your soul. The rays of My Mercy that will come from my Cross will heal you if you have faith. From my Glorious Cross will come rays of light filled with mercy that will cover the earth. Many souls will be liberated, many sick will be healed, and many souls that have lost their faith will recover it. The blind will see, the paralyzed will walk and all those who believes in the power of my Glorious Cross will be healed in body and soul.
Blessed you sons and daughters of Adam, who will witness such a great event, comparable only with the star of Bethlehem that announced my coming to this world. My Glorious Cross will announce the arrival of my message that for will you be the passage through eternity. My people, the time of my great mercy is knocking at your soul's door. Don't waste more time in the small talk and vanities of this passing world, I say to you, that this world that you know will soon pass to give way to my New Heavens and my New Earth. There will be one family and I will gather in the middle of all you, I will be your God and you my people and nothing nor no-one will ever take away your joy.
Rush my children and get your affairs in order, because the great and glorious day of the Lord is approaching. All you who will be in God's grace in the days of my Glorious Cross will be blessed with graces and indulgences that will erase many sins. My instruments and disciples will receive the 7 gifts of the my Holy Spirit so that when you return to this world, after passing through eternity you can accomplish with no fear the missions that will be entrusted to you. All those who are in mortal sin when my Glorious Cross appears will be liberated as long as they commit to change their life and rush to put their affairs in order. How sad that many will reject my mercy in those days, will turn their backs on me and will definitely say no to life. By their fruits you will know them and you will certainly know they are not sheep of my flock.
I give you the gift of this prayer for my Glorious Cross, that you may pray from now on and be able to receive the fruits of my mercy.
Oh glorious cross of Jesus Christ, Cross of Golgotha, Flood me with your rays of light, Melt me, forge me, fill me and give me the graces that I need for the salvation of my soul. Liberate me Glorious Cross if am sick of spirit Heal my body of all disease Take away my guilt, erase my sins and prepare me for the encounter with the glory of God so that my passage through eternity be of eternal joy Amen
Holy and Glorious Cross of Jesus Christ: Liberate me Holy and Glorious Cross of Jesus Christ: Heal me Holy and Glorious Cross of Jesus Christ: Sanctify me so that I may in my passing through eternity be worthy to present myself before God's majesty
Pray: Act of contrition, Creed, Our Father
My peace I leave you, my peace I give you, Repent and convert, because the kingdom of God is at hand
Your Master, Sacramental Jesus, The friend who never fails
Make my messages known to all humanity.