Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, July 18, 2016
Urgent Appeal from Jesus The Good Shepherd to All Occultists.
I Am Making an Appeal to All Witches, Wizards, Magicians, Mentalists, Witch Doctors, Spiritualists and Occultists in General, - Come to Me!

May My peace be yours, my flock.
I urgently appeal to all who practice the occult or who pay to have a spell put on their brothers with witchcraft. If you have not sold your soul to the master of darkness, I can rescue you, so that you will not die eternally. Remember, I do not want your death, but rather that you may have eternal life; if you repent with all your heart and make reparation for all the evil you have done, I will not let you be lost. Sons of darkness, leave the darkness and walk in the light, I'm holding my hands out to you because I do not want your death. If you accept my offer of love, go to one of my favored sons and make a good life confession; Make reparation, bend your knees and ask me to release you and I gladly will.
He who practices the occult is as guilty as he who pays to have his brother harmed, both are left with a black soul. So, if you repent with all your heart, I will clean your soul and I promise you that I will not remember your past. Those who have sold their souls, I cannot do anything now, because my Spirit does not dwell in them; they are the property of the master of darkness. When they arrive in eternity, hell will be waiting for them. Sons of Darkness, you are in the last hours of mercy; take refuge in Me, for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, in order that your souls not be lost forever.
I call upon all witches, wizards, magicians, mentalists, witch doctors, spiritualists and occultists in general, - come to Me. Allow yourselves to be touched by Me, allow me to purify you with my Blood; immerse yourselves in it and give up your detestable practices, and tomorrow you will live. I tell you, no magic is good, all magic, call it what you will, is occult, so don’t make the mistake of saying that white magic is good. The great deceiver has you blindfolded; take off the blindfolds from your eyes and return to Me, so that you might have life in abundance!
I detest all of the occult, especially the occult practice of witchcraft, because they use sacred images to hurt their brothers. I tell you, the punishment for the souls who practice witchcraft is one of the most painful in the underworld. I am making my last appeals before my divine justice comes. Take refuge in my mercy. I am waiting for you as your Father, with open arms. What you want, mercy or justice, your life or death depends upon you! Again I tell you, if you have not sold your soul, I can save you. Decide soon, before My Warning arrives, so you can purify yourself in this world, because in eternity it is most certain that you would not bear it and you would be lost forever! I am hoping that you do not delay, remember that there is no longer much time. My Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent, and convert for the kingdom of God is near.
Your Savior, Jesus the Good Shepherd
My Flock, make known my message to all mankind.