Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Appeal of Jesus The Good Shepherd to His Flock.
Flock of Mine, the Sign That Will Announce the Arrival of My Warning is About to Be Given to You. Rejoice Because the Days of My Triumphant Return Are Near!

Sheep of my flock, my peace be with you.
The days are already upon us when I will depart from you for a while, so that my Father may begin his Holy Justice. The God of Mercy represented by the Son of Man is distancing Himself so that my Father may be glorified in His creatures and in His creation. For a short time as the Warning arrives, I will be with you; I will not be with you any longer at any other time, but we will see one another again in the New Creation, where your joy will be so great that no one will take it away from you. There you will see Me spiritually and we will be one single family.
Flock of mine, the sign that will announce the arrival of the Warning is about to be given. Rejoice because the days of My triumphant return are near. A part of heaven will be in the Heavenly Jerusalem. In the New Creation you will no longer be slaves of sin, because this will die with the approaching purification; all will be joy and fullness and the will of God will be done in the heavens and on the earth, so that the words of the prayer of Our Father will be fulfilled. My Father will rejoice in His creatures and His creation and the shadow of His Wings will cover everyone.
The Heavenly Jerusalem awaits the Faithful People of God, the People that my Father chose as an inheritance. Think, My children, about the Glory that awaits you, so that in the difficult moments of the test, you may have the hope and consolation that the joy and happiness that awaits you is greater than the hardships that you will pass through.
In your passage through eternity a few are going to have the privilege of seeing the Heavenly Jerusalem, ready and prepared; Adorned with precious pearls and jewels and filled with the light of God. This is the gift that awaits the faithful people, the Glory of God. Eye has not seen nor has ear heard what awaits the Children of God.
Sheep of my Flock, beyond the time of the Warning and Miracle will begin the days of the great purification, which will cleanse you from every stain of sin so that you may shine like crucibles and thus be able to enter the New Creation. Do not fear those days; remember that not a hair on your head will be lost if you remain united to Me. Do not lose hope in the difficult moments of the trial; pray and trust and everything will pass like a dream. Remember that the Crown awaits you, you will not lose it; Remain steadfast and faithful, strengthened by prayer, so that your faith may increase and nothing and no one will be able to rob you of your peace.
Therefore, my flock, prepare yourselves for the days of your purification are near. Days where your faith will be put to the test; where only those who persevere to the end will attain the Crown of Life. Do not be sad, remember that if you are my witnesses, each one of you must carry your cross in imitation of Me; carrying it along the path of Bitterness up to Calvary. There sin will be crucified and the old man will die, so that a new man may rise to new life.
Rejoice, my children, because there is little left. The chains of sin will soon be broken and your bondage will end. The freedom of the Sons of God and the spiritual company of your Eternal Shepherd await you. My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Your Eternal Pastor, Jesus of Nazareth. Make my messages known to all mankind, sheep of my flock.