Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Urgent call of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to humanity.
Gender ideology is destroying both the children and the youth.

My children, My peace be with you.
Little ones, gender ideology is destroying both the children and the youth in many countries. This doctrine of the evil one is being inculcated in kindergartens, schools and colleges; the poison of homosexuality, lesbianism and other impurities, is being injected in you.
Children and young people are taught that there is no gender, that one is born with both sexes, that one can be male and female at the same time and vice versa.
All this deception of gender ideology is leading children and young people to have androgynous behaviors and personalities, creating in them doubts and confusions in their sexuality.
Remember what My Word says:
God created man in His image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. (Genesis 1.27)
I created men and women physically, psychologically and sexually, different. I established morphological, psychological and sexual differences between them; I call man Adam and I called the woman Eve; with this, I gave origin to the masculine and feminine gender.
I created them man and woman, I blessed them and said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, settle the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1. 28)
I did not create homosexuals, nor lesbians, homosexuality and lesbianism, are the work of the evil one; they are impure spirits who enter the generations through the sin of sodomy in which your ancestors have incurred. These spirits pass from generation to generation, until the generations are liberated, through prayer and exorcisms.
All the sexual impurity in (any) generations is the work of the devil.
My adversary knows you and knows that the greatest weakness of man is the flesh and it is through the flesh that the spirits of impurity enter. For these end times, my adversary through his emissaries wants to implant in childhood and youth, all practice of sexual impurity, with the call: Gender Ideology.
It seeks with this that in future societies, there are no matrimonial societies constituted by man and woman, united by the sacred bond of marriage. My adversary wants to destroy the family made up of man, woman and children.
With gender ideology the rulers and the Illuminati elites invented, what is being pursued is to end the bond of marriage that has My blessing. Because they know that in it, the first society created by God is constituted, from which comes all the spiritual strength that will destroy tomorrow through prayer the plans and reign of My adversary.
The power of prayer of the families that have my blessing will be a sound of trumpets that will collapse in these end-times, the walls and strengths of the evil one.
My children, remain united in prayer, loving and helping one another; turning your homes into spiritual forts, because the days of the great spiritual combat are approaching. Every setback and suffering that you have, carry it out with love and offer it for your conversion and for that of your families.
I tell you this, because my adversary has begun to attack the homes of married couples united with my blessing. It is creating division and confusion in families, to separate them; thus, it is fulfilled what my Word says:
Five will be divided into one house, three against two and two against three. The father will be divided against the son and the son against the father, the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother, the mother-in-taw against the daughter in-law and the daughter-in-law against the mother in-law. (Luke 12. 52, 53)
Pray then for your marriages and families; fasting, prayer and penance will be the antidote that strengthens your homes.
My children rebuke the spirits of division and take them to My Most Holy Wounds. The power of my Wounds will destroy these spirits and strengthen your homes and families.
Keep in mind these instructions that I am giving you, so that nothing catches you by surprise. Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.
Repent and convert, because the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Your Teacher, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Let my messages be known, my children, to all humanity.