Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, January 4, 2021
Call of God the Father to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch
So, My People, Prepare Yourselves for the Great Trials That Will Purify Your Body, Soul and Spirit, and Make You Shine Like Crucibles!

My people, my heritage, my peace be with you
My people, you are now entering the days of purification, great trials are about to come; if you remain firm in your faith and trust in God, not one of your hairs will be lost. The liberation of my People is near; rejoice because no trial, however hard it may be, can compare with the joy, happiness and fullness that awaits you in my New Creation.
My Children, your faith will be tested, and only those who remain steady in it will be able to reach tomorrow the Crown of Eternal Life. Trials of faith, mortification of senses and purification of the flesh are some of the many trials that you will undergo. When my Son will be expelled from his Houses by the Abomination of Desolation, the Holy Spirit of God for three and a half times will depart from the immense majority of mankind, and the latter will know what it is to be without the Spirit of God, who is the giver of life. Only those who walk with God and are faithful to him will be able to overcome this very hard test. In those days of spiritual desolation, the enemy of your soul will tempt you, mortify you, and steal the souls of all those who remain in sin or spiritual lukewarmness. That will be the time of the harvest where the tares will be separated from the wheat; three and a half years, the time of the last reign of my adversary where you will be totally purified; only thus, purified, can you be tomorrow my chosen People in whom your Father will be pleased.
My people, do not waste any more time in worries and worldly vanities, because all these things are so ephemeral and make part of this world that very soon will pass away. Let the salvation of your soul be your highest priority and the treasure you should seek; for all else is vanity of vanities, which only serves to satisfy your ego and create attachments that bind your soul, steal your peace and joy of the Spirit. So, my people, prepare yourselves for the great trials that will purify your body, soul, and spirit, and make you shine like crucibles. Only in this way, purified, will you be able to be called tomorrow: My people, my inheritance
My children, do not fear, trust in your Heavenly Father and in trials, praise the glory of God and everything will pass away as a dream for you. The time has come to abandon yourselves to your Father's Will; keep calm in trials; pray, fast and do penance, so that purification may be more bearable. Do not lose your head or feel alone; remember that Heaven will not abandon you; my Daughter Mary, your Mother, will be with you in the company of my Angels. She will show you the way, and at the end of the trial, she will show you my Son Jesus, the blessed fruit of her womb, who will be waiting to welcome you into the New Creation
Rejoice, for your deliverance is at hand, fear not; remember that your Father knows how far you can endure trials; accept with love and trust in God the days of purification that are coming to you, for they are necessary so that tomorrow you may rejoice in my heavenly Jerusalem to the full. Take courage, for your eyes will soon see the light of a New Dawn.
Abide in my Peace, my people, my inheritance.
Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Creation
Give my children to know the messages of salvation to all mankind