Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Urgent Call of Mary Sanctifier to the People of God. Message to Enoch
My Children, Great Blessings, Gifts and Charisms, You Are Going to Receive on This Coming Pentecost!

Little children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you all.
My children, great blessings, gifts and charisms, you are going to receive in this Pentecost that is approaching. Gather around prayer, recollection, fasting and penance, so that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God may be poured into each one of you, just as it happened with the disciples of my Son. On this Pentecost the Spirit of God will manifest Himself with all His power on those little children who remain firm in faith and in the grace of God; praying, fasting and asking for His outpouring. On this Pentecost there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit to prepare the People of God for the coming of the Notice.
Rejoice my little ones, for you will receive gifts and charisms, which will strengthen you spiritually, so that you will be able to defend yourselves from the attacks of the enemy of your soul and his hosts of evil. Prepare yourselves then to receive the outpouring of the Spirit of God that in this Pentecost that is approaching is going to be poured very abundantly upon the children of God. Springs of Living Water will gush forth on the five continents; there will be many conversions and after this special Pentecost the Gospel and the Word of God will be proclaimed without fear. The disciples of my Son in these last times will be in charge of evangelizing throughout the world and will pave the way for His second coming. Gather yourselves in prayer, fasting and penance, that the coming of the Holy Spirit may catch you in the Grace of God; read the Holy Word in the acts of the apostles, so that on the day of Pentecost you may receive the Baptism of the Spirit, which will transform you into disciples of my Son of these end times.
Little children, days of famine are approaching on earth; welcome our calls and as soon as possible, if you have economic resources, stock up on provisions, grains, non-perishable food and plenty of water, so that the famine does not take you by surprise. Whatever little or much you have, you must share it with the most needy. My little children who lack the economic resources to stock up on food, I tell you, do not fear; my Father will give you the daily Manna, because His Mercy is great and eternal. In the time of scarcity and famine that is approaching, you must pray the Rosary of Mercy of my Son and then the Rosary of Provision given to my little Enoch, with which my Father will multiply your food and will make the daily Bread reach the most needy. You are therefore warned my children, you will overcome this trial if you trust in Divine Providence and share the much or the little with your brothers. Remember, all trials will be overcome if you place your trust in God and help each other.
May the Peace of my Lord abide in you, my Beloved children.
Your Mother, Mary Sanctifier
Make known the messages of salvation to the whole world, little children of my Heart.