Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field; Feasts of The Triumph of the Cross 9/14 and The Sorrowful Mother 9/15
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady is here as the Sorrowful Mother. She has the seven swords in Her Heart. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, thank you for answering My call to be here. With a Mother's Heart I have summoned you, and with a Mother's Heart I call you to be united in Holy Love. When you are united with one another, you are also united with God. Then, all of nature is in harmony with God's Holy and Divine Will."
"If you allow animosities to bring disunity into your midst, this is reflected in the world around you; indeed, in nature itself. Sin destroys the delicate balance of peace, love and joy between God the Creator and all of mankind. It is then you experience freaks of nature such as the recent hurricane. Understand, then, it is not God, but man, that chooses this."
"Dear children, have respect for one another because you love one another. Let this love open your hearts to respect for the unborn, the poor and indigent, the aged and all who live compromised lives. Let your love be boundless. Do not consider cost to self, but only consider the needs of others."
"Dear children, the reason I come here tonight is to help you find the path to your salvation. This path is Holy Love. Without Holy Love in your hearts, you cannot come close to Jesus, and you do not deserve to share Heaven with Him."
"With a Mother's Love, I come to you to call each one of you deeper into My Immaculate Heart, where Satan cannot persuade you from the path of righteousness."
"Today there is worldwide starvation. It is a starvation, not for food, but for Holy Love. When I come to offer this food of love, My children do not accept it. Instead, they wait for approvals and authorizations to take what I offer. These things will come in time, little children. But, if you wait, you may starve to death in the meantime. Take what I offer with Motherly Love. Accept the path of Holy Love and you will be given salvation. I desire you have eternal life."
"Tonight, My dear children, I invite you to realize that you must allow God to reign over your hearts in every present moment. This way, He will become part of your decisions and part of your lives. When you make plans without God, He steps back and watches you fall. He does not impose His Will, but awaits your invitation. My Son desires to forgive the past, to reign in your hearts in the present and eagerly waits for your 'yes' in the future. If you have Holy Love in your hearts, all of this is possible. Then My Victory and the Triumph of Our United Hearts will usher in the New Jerusalem."
"If Holy Love is chosen by more hearts, this hemisphere will renew the Church and many calamities will be avoided. Faith and religion will once again be revered and respected. Lives will be saved and many diseases will be eradicated, but you must pray much and work hard, My children. God will not hold back His Justice much longer."
"My dear little children, tonight you see I am here as your Sorrowful Mother, but you have the power and the way, My little children, to change My sorrow into joy. You must live these Messages of Holy and Divine Love and become My apostles. It is difficult for the sophisticated to pray much, but if you are as little children, you will accept all that I tell you, and you will act upon it."
"My dear little children, tonight I am sending angels amongst you to touch you, to bless you, to change hearts and to transform lives through Holy Love."
"I'm extending to you My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥