Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello my adorable Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You! Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Thank You for all that You endured during Your life on earth, Your passion and death on the cross for my sins and to save all mankind. Praise You and all glory to You, Jesus Christ the King. Jesus, You know all that is on my heart, each burden for those I love, for friends and family, for those who are dying or who are very ill, for those separated from Your Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, and for my friends who are suffering from being unemployed. Oh, Jesus I know You are already taking care of each person and seeing to their needs. Thank You, Lord. Send each one the graces they need. (Only You know what each one needs.) Give them the consoling gift of peace and reassurance, precious Savior. Lord, may each one come to understand the true value of suffering. I ask this while at the same time asking You to lift the weight for them. Jesus, if I can do something to be like a Simon to them, show me. Until then, may whatever I do be a help to them, my Jesus. Guide and direct my steps, Lord so that I learn to imitate You and Your most holy Mother Mary the Immaculate One. Oh, Lord it seems preposterous for me to think I could be like You, the perfect, most holy Son of God, and yet You invite each of Your children to pick up our crosses and follow You. Redeemer Savior, teach me to forgive as You forgive, to be silent in the face of criticism, to love as You love and to serve others as You served others. Give me a heart for the less fortunate, as well as a heart for those who do not know You, do not love You so that I may learn to love as You love. Lord, I am a sinner as You well know, and still I ask this of You precisely for that reason. I could never be like You without Your graces and Your intervention in my life; it is impossible otherwise. But, I also know Jesus that You make all things new. Lord, renew my heart, my soul, my mind and give me the heart and mind of Christ. One day, Lord I want others to be able to look at me and see only You. Make me an instrument of Your love, Your mercy, Your joy, Your peace, Your compassion. Please, Lord may it be so.
“My child, My little one, I hear your prayers and the cry of your heart. I listen to each request and press them close to My Sacred Heart so wounded for lack of love of mankind. Your love consoles Me. Thank you for your tender love, My child. You are My child, My little lamb. Oh, how I love you. You are thinking about your faults. My child yes, I know your faults but you have already confessed your sins and they are forgiven. Of course you have faults, for you were not created before the Fall of Adam, now were you?” (smiling)
No, of course not, Lord. You are right as always. It’s still sometimes difficult not to think about how flawed I am when You, the God of the Universe, Creator of the World, Redeemer and Savior say that You love me. Of course, I believe You love me and that You love each and every child of Yours. You died for us, Lord. It’s just that Your tenderness and genuine love held up to my flaws makes them look even bigger, or I should say that I see them for the awful ways they truly are. It’s like the bright sun shining into a room that hasn’t been dusted for a while. The dust is much more apparent with the bright sun than it is when the room is dark. The Blessed Mother magnifies You, Lord Jesus and the brightness of the Holy Spirit shines a light on my dirt and dust. It’s reality, Jesus but I don’t feel condemned by You, rather I feel wholly and completely loved in spite of myself. Thank You for Your merciful love, Lord.
“My child, this is a good analogy and I understand what you are saying. This is the mercy and love I want you to emulate. When you see someone standing on a corner with a sign, begging for money, you make eye contact with them and smile. They are children of God, too and one never knows what I will do in their lives, how I am using them to bring out the kindness and mercy in My children who are not begging but have means to help them. I do not mean you must always give each person who is standing on a street corner money. Sometimes that is a good thing to do. At other times, you may give them something to eat, other times you may simply give them your smile. What I want is to have My Children of Light treat each and every person with dignity and respect. Always be merciful for you do not know what they have suffered in their lives. Your love will open the window of their hearts to the love of God. Then, I can work, because I need an open willing heart and your loving kindness softens hearts, My child. You were made for service and to encourage others. Your parents taught you this as they volunteered and served others. Your Mother had gifts for hospitality and these traits are in each one of your siblings.”
Thank You, Lord for sharing this with me. You are so generous, Jesus and so very kind.
“Thank you, My little one. Your family is special to Me. I have visited each one of you with suffering. I see and I know how you all try to walk in My footsteps. I assure you that I am with your family; each one. Continue to follow Me, in spite of the pain and suffering, in spite of the times you all have fallen. I forgive and I invite each one to participate in My Ministry of Love to souls in need of a refuge in the storms of life. My child, you are concerned for family members, friends and all who have taken the vaccine that was made with greedy, evil intentions. I remind My children, the father of lies, My adversary and yours is a great deceiver. He knows you would not accept poison, so he positions the poison as something good. My children, this is not good. It is unlike anything else mass marketed to My children all over the world. It is against My Will for man to embed a genetic manipulation into My creatures that will negatively impact one’s health. It is not good, in fact it is an evil plot to wound and in many cases to kill My children. I created people and My adversary wants to do harm to the human race. He works through other children of Mine who reject Me and follow the father of death and destruction. You are living in evil times, My children. Never before has there been such evil. I mean these words, My little one. It is much worse than in the Days of Noah. Some might disagree with this statement, so I tell you again, never before has such evil permeated the earth. Therefore, be alert. Investigate claims about this vaccine, and anything that is offered to the entire world especially when it comes from the place of fear. Who creates fear, My children? I do not create fear. I say, ‘Be not afraid.’ Why do I tell you this? I say this, for I did not come to bring a spirit of fear, but to show you the way to the Father, the Creator, God. My children, you are to have a spirit of trust, of peace, of mercy. Trust in Me. In these days, the governments of man create and spread a spirit of fear. They then come to the ‘rescue’ and want mankind to trust in them-in government. So corrupt are the governments of man. Be wise, My children. These are not the days of innocence, but the days of disobedience, of rebellion against God, of impurity. Therefore, clothe yourselves in righteousness and avail yourselves of Holy Mass and the Sacraments. Read the Word of God. Discern, pray and listen to others who love and follow Me. The worst thing that can happen to you is not death My children. The worst thing is to lose one’s soul. Do not fear what may happen to the body. For if one fears physical disease or problems, you will do many things suggested to you out of this fear. If you have a deep trust in Me, you will stand courageously against those who want to do you harm. Do not be afraid. Trust in Me. You must be willing to trust Me out of love for Me. I do not intend to say that you cannot or should not follow the advice of your doctors, but remember they are not God and they do not know everything. In fact, many physicians are in the dark about even the basic issues occurring in the world of medicine today. My children, listen to Me. There is an element of corruption in every institution on earth. Every institution and every industry. I am speaking truth. I am truth, My children. That does not mean that every single person is corrupt that belongs to an institution for work or is contributing to an industry in some way. What I mean, though is that overall there is corruption in every institution. You must carefully consider each industry, like the pharmaceutical industry and scrutinize what they are encouraging you to take. Read the history of these organizations. Read and understand. These people do not hide their motives. Pray, My children, pray.
Discern the signs of the times. You know what is coming, My Children of Light. I shared this knowledge with My Apostle John and he recorded this in Revelation. Do not fear, but trust in Me. I am walking with you. I am purifying My Church. You will see this purification continue. My adversary and yours is pulling out every stop because he knows his time is very limited now. Be prepared, for you will see evil continue to escalate. This is not My Will, but I give mankind free will and many, many misuse their free will and choose evil for earthly promises of power and prestige. There is so much deception, My children. Remember in the last days good will be made to look like evil and evil will be made to look good. You must be My wise and discerning children. Do not be prideful and reject the advice from people of God due to what the world is telling you. This vaccine is not the only thing they will convince you to do. It is one of many things to come. You must stand up against the evil one’s plans. Pray, pray, pray and allow Me to direct you. Choose wisely, My children. Allow Me to order your steps. Listen to Godly people who will also bring My clarity to you. Use this input, the scriptures and your own gifts of intelligence and reason to make holy decisions. Do not be motivated by fear. Almost every decision made in fear is not a good use of judgement. Think, My children. Pray. Be in union with My Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Church. By this, I mean the truths of the Faith, which you will find in the Catechism of the Church and in Holy Scripture. The Magisterium will guide you, My children. The Magisterium, in union. There must be unity, My holy children. I gave you the Church to guide you. This does not mean each Bishop or each Cardinal, or even the Pope acting alone or giving his own opinion. I am referring to the Chair of Peter, in union with the Bishops and the Bishops in unity with the Pope. It will be unity that shows you the way. My children, when you do not see unity, it is a sign post to you. Hold fast to the teachings of My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church which stands on a firm foundation that I gave to you and which is guided by My Holy Spirit. When you see mistakes or errors of opinions, do not think ‘the Church can no longer be trusted’ for that is to fall into a trap set by the evil one. Recall that I promised, ‘the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church.’ Children, I said this so that you would know. I gave these words for times such as this to encourage My people during times of suffering, persecution and yes, even times of corruption. Now, I must purify My Church so that you, My loyal friends, the believers will be able to stand strong when the Time of Great Trials is upon you. This time of trial that you experience now, due to the deep mire of corruption that exists in every institution, every country and city in the world is the beginning of the purification. First, the Church must be purified and then the world will follow. Remain with My Church, children. It is the Gethsemane hour. Remain with Me in prayer. Do not fall asleep. Be alert and keep watch. Be My children, My friends. Do all that I have asked of you.
Consecrate your homes and your land to Me, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary most holy. Consecrate your lives to Me, your work, your heart, your joys and your sorrows. Be united to Me, My faithful beautiful children of God. Do not fear. Read the Scriptures, especially the Gospels, Acts, Revelation. Read Psalm 91. Rest assured, I am walking beside you and there is nothing to fear. Pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pray the Chaplet of St. Michael. Frequent the Sacraments. Be love to your families, to your friends and to all who cross your paths in life. All will be well. Be merciful as I am merciful. Rejoice that God loves you and that I have invited you to participate in this saving work. Pray for your brothers and sisters, especially for those who do know the love of God. Love one another, as I have loved you. This is what you must do now, My little children. I have given you all that is needed and I do each day. You ask Me to give you your daily bread, My children. You also must receive this gift that I extend to you, with open, willing and grateful hearts. There are many, many graces available to you now especially due to these times and the difficulties you will surely encounter and already are. Know that I am with you.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Friend. I love You, Jesus!
“And I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child with My blessing.”
Thank You, Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥