Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is so very good to be here with You, Lord. Praise You and thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion today. Thank You for the Blessed Sacrament. ‘Oh Sacrament most holy, oh Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.’ I love this song and I sing it to You in the quiet of my heart since there are others here, Jesus. I love You in Your most precious body, blood, soul and divinity hidden in the Eucharist, my Jesus. Lord, I love every moment of Your life on earth and every moment of Your life after Your resurrection. Thank You for shedding Your blood for us beginning with the circumcision and any moments in between. Thank You for shedding Your blood in the Garden of Gethsemane and during Your passion and death. Most precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world. Thank You for pouring every drop of blood and water out of Yourself to atone for our sins, for my sins, Jesus. How sweet is Your love for us, Your children. I adore You, my Lord and I praise You for by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. My lord, please forgive me for my many sins, my thoughtlessness and the times I have neglected to show my love for others. Help me to go about my days with my eyes wide open and my heart and spirit filled with Your love so that I will notice my neighbor in need and be willing and quick to respond as You Will. Make me always and ever alert to the promptings of Your Holy Spirit and give me the graces needed to act as You Will, Lord. Illuminate my heart and mind, Lord to identify and clearly see my faults, weaknesses and shortcomings and cover me with every grace needed to prevail in overcoming each one so that I have more room for Your heart, Your mind and Your Will, Jesus. I am too filled with myself, Lord and I want to be filled by You. Then, You will direct my every step and I will gladly follow Your narrow path, Jesus where You have assured us that Your Holy Mother Mary has already gone and who will accompany us. Blessed Mother, my port in the storm, my beautiful, holy Mother who knows exactly where to find me when I am lost and I don’t know the way, take my hand and lead me to Your Son. Walk with me, my Mother. Help me to learn to be a faithful disciple. Give me Your most pure heart which loves Jesus perfectly, for my imperfect and sometimes cold heart does not know how to really, truly love as You love. That is a terrible and unfair exchange, I realize. Your holy heart for my unholy, unruly heart, but I know You are merciful and that everything You touch becomes good so I trust that when You take my heart in Your hands it will be purified, Oh Mary full of grace. I love You, my beautiful, pure Mother. Jesus, my beloved who is also my God, make my heart a flame of pure love for Thee. Lord Jesus, as I go about my work this week, may it be You working through me. Lord, as I go into the world, away from this holy ground may I constantly remember my true identity, Your child. Never let me forget this Jesus and help all that I do be a witness to Your deep love for each and every soul. May each meeting I have this week be a meeting with You, my precious Lord. May every encounter be an encounter with the living God.
Lord, bless all who are ill and all who are grieving or who are lonely. So many people are brokenhearted, Jesus. You know each one’s pain. Pour Your grace like a balm on their wounds. Soothe and comfort them with Your peace. Help them to immerse their pain and suffering in Your Merciful Sacred Heart, where each person’s pain is made more bearable, Jesus. Lord, I pray for all who are outside of the one true Faith. Bring each person home to Your Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Lord, I pray for every person who will die today or this evening; especially those who are unprepared for their deaths. Have mercy on these souls, Jesus and cover them with Your blood to purify their souls.
“My little lamb, I hear each prayer and I know the longing in your heart for souls to be united to Me. I have placed this longing in your heart. From the time you were very young you were aware and sensitive to the ones who were not included, who were on the fringe so to speak. My child this is a gift of the Holy Spirit to have this concern for justice and mercy. You are not alone in this My child, but many are lacking in this concern for their brothers’ and sisters’ souls and are indifferent to the mistreatment of others. In your circle, that is your family and among your close friends, you are similar in this concern, however you must know, due to the state of the world that most of the people living today have little regard for the sufferings of others. My child, it is My desire that the children who follow Me become more caring and more aware of those around them. My daughter, I know that you think you are often unaware of souls in need. I am not referring to the times My people are unaware, but the times when they are aware of the needs of others, but choose to do nothing. My children, which one of you can say, ‘I have nothing to give?’ All can give something. I am not referring to the giving of money, although this is at times called for. No, I am referring to self-giving. All can give of their time, and be present to the other. At a minimum, all can give a smile or an embrace. Give of your time My children. Show others the love of God by being love, by being mercy, by being joyful. You are all in need of something, My children for that is human nature and you do not dwell in Heaven, yet. So, be humble and realize that everything you have was given to you by the Heavenly Father for no matter how hard one works, God still must Will material gifts for you or it will not be granted. Be humble and recognize each talent, each personality trait, each good gift including the gift of intelligence, is a gift of God. Therefore, do not look down on others who do not have these gifts, or the means to take care of themselves. These pose opportunities to you, My children. Opportunities to be My extended hands and heart to the world so in need of My love. My children, do not fear. Do not be afraid to love others, even and especially those you do not know. The root of every problem in the world is a lack of love in the hearts of mankind. When love is lacking, disunity, hatred and violence will fill the void. When love is plentiful, unity, accord, peace and mercy abound. Therefore, you must pray for the graces to love. My children very soon the time will come when heroic love will be needed. Pray for graces to love heroically. Prepare your hearts to be generous and merciful. You will live the Gospel, My children. When one has no coat, you will offer him yours. When one is hungry you will share your bread, you will share your water and you will even open your homes to strangers who are in need. My children you must pray now for the graces to do all that will be needed. If you are unwilling now, My little children, think of how hard it will be when the time comes. Pray for these graces, My children and begin to show love in bigger ways than you already do. I would like to prepare your hearts now, My children. Pray, pray, pray especially this week and next. Pray as I have requested, My children. There are many people in league with evil who are planning even more harm to the human race and I need your prayers. Your families and friends need your prayers. Do not be afraid. Have confidence in Me and My Most Holy Mother Mary. Fear is not of the Lord. Trust in Me. I bless you My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace walking confidently with Me. All will be well.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia!
Source: ➥