Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

My Children, My Beloved Creatures, I Have Decided to Intervene Now, to Snatch You from Satan’s Claws!

Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 21, 2024


I am Who I am!

My beloved daughter, write to My beloved people.

My Heart is grieved by the pride of men, they do not want to live but to die, they prefer a day of glory on earth, they renounce eternal happiness.

My hands sweat blood, I can no longer hold them back, the hour of My justice has come!

Behold, I will provoke My people, I will put them before a choice: ... live or die!!!

I will enable them to awaken from the torpor that grips their hearts.

My children, My beloved creatures, I have decided to intervene now, to save you, snatch you from Satan's claws! Listen to My voice, turn away from the things of the world, do not allow the devil to steal your souls.

Your evil conduct has turned you away from Me,but you can make up for it by returning to Me converted.

Return to your Father in Heaven, My children, do not be dawdling in things that are being lost, the time of catastrophes has come to its completeness, turn your hearts to your Savior, allow Him to save you, O men.

You have come to the final challenge, purify yourselves so as not to fall into the trap of the enemy, put in you the SHIELD, “your God Love,” that in you may be protection. Adorn yourselves with love, love the One who pleads for your salvation, do not be hard-hearted, you no longer have time to lead a life away from your Creator. Return to Him who created you, O men, free your hearts from the thorns of evil, ask forgiveness of your sins from your Creator God, return to Him, He is waiting to give you new life in love and joy. Turn away from the world, enter the dimension of purity in God, embrace Him, the one and only true God! Show yourselves to be men capable of repentance, responsible, creatures of God! Allow yourselves salvation!

The New Earth is to be opened to God's children, a world of love and happiness awaits for you to enjoy. In this new Earth you will live in the wonders of God, prepared for His children, you will have a new life to live without pain or toil because God will provide for you.

You will be transfigured, you will enter into the Beauty of your God Love, you will dress in purity and you will smell of God! Do not miss this grace, O men, facilitate your conversion by returning to being solely children of the Most High.

Soon the roads of Earth will no longer be passable, the air will become unbreathable, the diseases that will arise will be deadly! ...Situations will change, there will be upheaval, nature is rebelling against man for the mistreatment it has suffered.

It is time for strong prayer, it is time for conversion! Return quickly to your Creator God, choose Him, do not be afraid to return to Him, convert children, convert!!!

Source: ➥
