Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Thus, in These Times of Darkness No Blessed and Ordained Pope Occupies the See of St. Peter Left Vacant since the Death of My Valiant and Martyred Pope Benedict XVI

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on September 24, 2024


Word of Jesus Christ :

"Under My blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, My sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, here is My dictation of the text to be spread now.

Deliver this to My Christian children remaining solid in Faith and listening to the true prophets mandated to reveal the Truth in the face of the current situation in the world and to bear all Words, advice and prophecies that inform and mark the way back to God.

Specifies to My Own that all those who call themselves prophets, or bearers of the Divine Word, having an intimate link with God but who proclaim loudly that one must follow "Bishop of Rome Bergoglio", have no discernment from the Holy Spirit nor respect for their brethren by leading them into ERROR. Their words have no real link with God's Will, but they adopt the attitudes of the so-popular bien-pensants.

I declare to all Mine: I, Jesus Christ Am the Only One at the Head of My Christian and Catholic Church.

The foundation of My Church was made in the presence of the apostles and entrusted to them to evangelize and gather My predestined people to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father through My Passion, My Cross and My Resurrection.

Thus, in these times of darkness no blessed and ordained Pope occupies the See of St. Peter left vacant since the death of My valiant and martyred Pope Benedict XVI.

The imposter, the antipope, will soon have to give up the usurped place and the sacred place soiled by his opprobrium to God, his sacrileges and the martyrdoms imposed on My faithful priests and My Holy Church.

All priests and Christians who follow the arrogant and flippant directives of the impostor who insults God, and Mary Immaculate, freely and without opposition from the leaders of the Church, join in the drift, the erroneous path and opposed to Christ's, knowingly make the decision of a schism to the Heart of God, favoring the enemy in his plans.

Since the origins of Creation, the world in its evolution, at every stage of it, has been warned, taught and directed by the Almighty who, in all fairness, has respected the free will of each individual.

Times end on this battle of allegiance to God or not. It's the only choice left, before the gates of Time close.

May, in their firm and solid Faith, My authentic son-priests, gentle and humble of heart, strong and fervent, led by the Holy Spirit remain confident and serene in the Heart of God and knowledgeable servants to the faithful, their brothers. Recognize those of these brothers who are reliable and with whom you can take refuge and, with them, protect the wounded and persecuted Church.

Great tribulations are before you and My Great Divine Protection is upon you, within you.


Pray without ceasing, keep strong your intimate bond with your God who loves you, and with His Saints so as to be attentive only to His Word and His directives, thus to drive away from you all that is false and all those who are falsifiers, from the smallest to the most imposing.

My beloved children, you have always had God present in you, with you. Keep this connection, consult the Bible and discover the constant care and righteousness of the Loving Father, the Son Savior of men and the Holy Spirit Breath of Life.

Listen to all the advice and discover the secrets of Mary Co-Redemptrix who sustains you, reassures you and leads you to the triumph of her Immaculate Heart over the wickedness of the fallen. See through the ages the beauty and goodness of the Saints, models of obedience, bravery and Love, in all humility.

Be My proud and gentle children, models among yourselves and supports in a solidarity that forms the Body of Christ eternally.

Choose to be united with the Heart of Jesus and that of Mary Immaculate so your inner struggle will subside and, in your freedom as children of God, the final march of these dark times will be your triumphant march into the Light.

Be blessed and upright in your determination of Love. Be also intercession and mercy for this world bewildered by this disorder and these wars; and for these ruling dominators, who persist in darkness, bearing a senseless quest, argumentative but thoughtless and, alas, deadly to the soul.

I am always with you, solicit spiritual communion. I will never abandon you. I AM the promise of your Eternal Life redeemed at the Cross.

Jesus Christ"

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

SEPTEMBER 24, 2024

Source: ➥
