Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Our Lord Desires That We Rediscover and Value the Most Holy Eucharist Today Considered a Symbol by Not a Few Christians

Message of Saint Gabriel Arcangel to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 19, 2011


***The Archangel Saint Gabriel comes to visit me after a shower of the finest light. He dresses in red and has a golden sash at his waist. He conveys so much stillness. Archangel Gabriel says:

“Exalted be the Most Blessed Trinity! Repeat after Me: Glory to the Most High Father for creating Me, Glory to the Redeemer Son for saving Me, Glory to the Holy Spirit for sanctifying Me.

Meditate on these words of Truth and find fervor in prayer. It is the Holy Trinity who always works in souls who surrender themselves to Her.

Little One of the Oak, frequently invoke the Most Holy and Eternal Trinity. Submit to His supreme Will without resistance. Always answer amen to what the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ask of you.

Servant of the Sacred Hearts, let Jesus form you by accepting His Eucharistic Call. Jesus will form the void around you, to form you and be Him alone your Holy Friend, Teacher, Fellow Traveler.

Our Lord desires that we rediscover and value the Most Holy Eucharist today considered a symbol by not a few Christians.

The time of apostasy has come, and only those will be saved who follow the exhortation of the Immaculata wherever She appears, for where Mary is there is the Most High, where Mary is there is the Gospel of the Lamb, where Mary is there is authentic spirituality. By following the Blessed Mother one is in the Holy Church.

The Divine Mother is saving many with Her Visits and is establishing many Refuges there where Her Holy Foot rests.

They are Refuges for when a great revolution, a ruthless persecution, will take place.

The persecution will be of the false Christians to the true Christians, of the false sin-loving church to the True Grace-loving church.

I, together with Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Raphael, are fighting against numerous demons ready to destroy the Divine Plans.

I bless you in the name of the Lord, who comes in Glory to judge the World. I, the Angel of the Annunciation.”

From the book “The Salvific Way of Reconciliation” Segno editions, 2015



