Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, October 13, 2024

It Is Profaning the Pure and Holy Host, My Divine Presence, to Offer It Jointly with the Impostor Who Wants to Have a Hold on Christ, Offered in This Host

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on October 10, 2024


Hello, in your presence and I hope, in association with each of you who seek the truth, I adore Almighty and Merciful God. I place us under His Divine Protection which He offers us at all times and today solicited especially in this dialogue (of October 8) due to my seeking confirmation from Jesus of the precious Words He has entrusted to me as well as His request to share them with you.

May Mary Immaculate and Saint Michael be now and always our defense and unfailing heavenly support in this mission and in our weakness in the face of all this theological knowledge that concerns us but which, because of the current disorder in the world and in the Church, is not always accessible or reliable to us.

“Jesus, while on several occasions You have withdrawn me from attending certain churches, both for Mass, adoration and even to simply pray there, I have obeyed without explaining to those with me, today it seems necessary.

This certainly intrigues those who are with me. Among these people there are some who do the same. In my desire to be always faithful, obedient and at Your service, Lord I listen to Your directives, as also asked of me by the Virgin Mary who said to me “Listen to My Son”.

Obviously, many, in general, have questions about this subject of the Eucharist and the crisis in the Church. Those I see more often ask me to give them clear, understandable explanations so they can be assured of being in Truth and peace on these subjects. They trust what I receive from You Lord my God.

I then solicit from You, O my Good Jesus, the "Words that give Life" "Where would we go, You are the Only God", we want to follow You and serve You humbly and faithfully.”

Word of Jesus Christ :

"I bless you My sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I cover you and all of you with My Precious Blood that purifies you and protects you from evil. Trust in My Divine Love for each of you.

There, your understanding is right on this subject and I repeat it for all Mine... including yours: in the Eucharistic celebration it is profaning the pure and holy Host, My Divine Presence, to offer It jointly with the impostor who wants to have a hold on Christ, offered in this Host, to thus take Him away from God's children and deprive them of His divine graces.

The faithful who are ignorant, uninformed of the crisis situation in the Church, and thus mistreated, are not at fault but gravely wounded and taken hostage without really conceiving it.

This clever detour carried out on the Eucharist and this so-called new approach, through all these changes in the liturgy, are invading the places, the priests and the hearts of the faithful exposed to the evil one well installed in My houses and gradually driving fervor out of hearts by inducing a malaise there instead. Faith dwindles and is extinguished in the face of equivocal attitudes and contradictory messages held by clergy with divided orientations.

In addition to this sacrilege, maintained almost everywhere in My churches, a sacrilege denied, propagated but thus passively accepted, are added all the errors, falsehoods and misappropriations that have settled in the hearts and consciences of those in My Church who accept or deny the hold of evil on the Christian Church (which one wants to modify), on My Word (which one rejects, insults and modifies), My Laws and Sacraments (which one also rejects and modifies).

This church which is called worldwide, which is said to be united, does not possess the Vertical and Horizontal Unification of the Cross which carries within Itself the Redemption for all God's children in the Body of Christ.

This new church in its leader has turned away from God, from Christ the Redeemer and Founder, and is subtly and progressively denying everything that solidly grounds the People of God.

This church cannot be of God, whom she wounds and insults, by subtly rejecting Mary Immaculate, Mother of the Church and Co-Redemptrix to God's children, wanting to remove and cancel all her apparitions and messages that have sustained and will always sustain God's people in Love and peace in the Following and in the Steps of Christ until the Final Resurrection.

This new church is not Christ's, it has chosen other masters, in creatures who walk towards decay thus turning away from God.

My children, be attentive to My Presence, also receive all information and support from Mary Co-Redemptrix and the saints and angels who accompany you. Be ready for our meeting, which will then purify you, strengthen you and remove all doubts by immersing you in the Divine Love offered for Eternity.

Remain pure and humble My children, be constantly in relationship with God Thrice Holy and Mary Immaculate, always available to welcome and bless you. In this way, My children, you will be enlightened with Truth. Do not deviate from the Holy and Living Church that unites you and keeps you in Light, Love and Peace.

Implore the Holy Spirit to keep you in the discernment that keeps you in Faith, you will then be able to share with your brothers the righteous revelations from Heaven to reveal the Truth about what you must live in this time of darkness and reassure you that God, always with you, is the Victor and frees you from this deteriorated world that ends, alas, in suffering and ugliness, of which it has agreed to be an accomplice, actively participating in it and rejecting God, your Salvation.

In their free will, a large proportion of men, including many of those in My Church, choose to follow the proud and haughty despite the suffering this entails for them. They position themselves as dominant and don't want to deviate from it. They see themselves as superior, with adulterated, illusory and destructive knowledge. They are relentless even when they see the errors and falsity they choose, since without God they see no other way out.

How sad and suffering it is for Me, and for you, My beloved ones, to see one's own children destroyed like this.

My faithful children, understand that only spiritual means can save you. These means are divine graces solicited and obtained in prayer, combined with your sincere virtues. These divine graces elevate man to his spiritual dimension and bring him closer to God and Heaven. (Allows the Communion of Saints, example: praying for souls in purgatory, for an agonizing person, a forsaken person, a difficult situation, thanksgiving for everything...)

See your privilege in this intimate union with God. Privilege so contested by the jealous evil one who wants to take it away from you, steal it from you and eliminate you. So hear My Words, I beseech you, do not enter into the clever seduction of the evil one! Know how to say to him: "Withdraw Satan, drink your own poisons".

And you My children it is purity, humility, gentleness, simplicity in Faith and Trust in Me, your Jesus, that will enable you to lift your soul asking, "Jesus, am I on the right path, guide me with Mary Your Mother". Our United Hearts cannot resist the Love of God's children.

Jesus Christ"

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

October 10, 2024

Source: ➥
