Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Message of Saint Joseph.

I Am Guardian of the Faith and Protector of the Church


Little children, may the peace of God be with you all and may my protection always assist you.

My children: I am your Father Joseph, I come to give you my spiritual protection, that you may remain in the faith of God. I am Guardian of the faith and Protector of the Church. My Father has granted me the great honor of being with you, the flock of my Son Jesus, to assist you and help you to pass through your desert. I, and my Holy Spouse Mary, together with our beloved Michael, and the legions of Angels and Archangels of my Father's Kingdom, will be your guides and protectors, who will show you the way that you must follow, to reach the eternal fold of our beloved Son Jesus.

Little children; ask my powerful intercession to the Heavenly Father; I am among you, and I want to safeguard your faith, from the attacks and deceptions of the enemy of your soul and his agents.

The days are coming, little children, of darkness in the spirit; the attacks against God, on the part of his enemies, will increase. Many will lose faith; only those who persevere in the faith of God and his precepts, will attain the crown of life. Therefore, little children, I have come to help you and to give you spiritual strength, so that you may be able to endure these days of darkness and confusion.

When you have attacks in faith, say: O Adoptive Father Joseph; come to my aid and deliver me from falling into doubt and losing my faith; be my shield and protection, against the attacks of the enemy of my soul; I ask you blessed St. Joseph: In the Name of the Father +, in the Name of the Son +, in the Name of the Holy Spirit + . + Through your Holy intercession and the Holy intercession of Mary Most Holy. Amen.

Little children, do not be afraid; if you make me the Flame of Humility, I will grant you this gift, so that you may blind the pride of Satan; I have many graces to give you, which will serve you as spiritual armor, for these times; trust in God and place your security in Him. May your faith be like the house built on the rock; do not let yourselves be deceived, for it will seem that evil will triumph over good, but it will not be so; remember: The victory is of your God, it is written. I am among you; call upon me with confidence, and I will come to defend you from the attacks of the enemy of your faith.

Saint Joseph, guardian of the Faith, protect us.

Saint Joseph, protector of the Church, protect us.

St. Joseph, Patriarch of Humility, deliver us from offending God, may we remain united to Him, as the branch to the vine. May your protection blessed St. Joseph, accompany us always in all our spiritual paths and battles. Amen.

I am your Adoptive Father, Joseph of Nazareth.

Make my messages known to all my children and devotees.

Source: ➥
