Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Call of Jesus ​​Of Nazareth’s Call to the Catholic World.

The Power of Chain Prayers ​​Demolishes Strongholds and Changes Prophecies!


My children, peace be to you.

Pray for the war to be stopped, because peace is about to be destabilized. If Russia is not consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of my Mother as soon as possible, I assure you that will bring many disasters and will propagate his heretical doctrine to the whole world, so that all events will be hastened before the appointed time by the Divine Will.

Listen my children: My Father respects your free will and will impose nothing upon you: remember that you are now during the no time, you must pray, fast and do penance, in order to stop the course of events that are about to unfold. The power of chain prayer demolishes strongholds and changes prophecies.

By your prayers, fasting’s, pleas and penances, I have sent you a pope who will do God’s will, as long as the Catholic world does not abandon him in prayer. If you pray for Pope Francisco, he will do the will of my Father, yet if you neglect him in prayer, my adversary and his instruments infiltrated the See of Peter, will lead him to err against the faith, the gospel and doctrine of my Church. My children, I say this for you all to awaken spiritually and for you to begin to make prayer your utmost priority.

Remember that you live during times of spiritual battle and cannot neglect your prayers, fasting’s and penance, since these are your strengths and spiritual weapons that will protect you from attacks from my adversary’s and his forces of evil. Now this is the will of my Father who sent me: that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day (John 6, 39).

My children, it is not God's will for humanity to suffer, it is your free will to choose the way. When humanity separate themselves from God and His live precepts it falls into un-love and injustice, it is man separated from God who subdues his own brother and enslaves him and this is not part of the divine will.

Learn from the people of Nineveh who had estranged themselves d from God, but by Jonah’s preaching they repented and God repented from his punishment. Do the same in these times so that your purification will be more bearable. For truly I tell you, unless you repent you will all perish.

My peace I give you, my peace I leave you. Repent and convert, for the kingdom of God is near. Your Teacher and Shepherd. Jesus of Nazareth.

Make my messages known to all mankind.

Source: ➥
