Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Monday, May 31, 2021
Feast of the Visitation

Hello, dearest Jesus present in all Tabernacles in the world. I believe, hope in, adore and love You, my Lord, God and King! Thank You for the beautiful Mass today and Holy Communion. Yesterday was gorgeous at Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity! Father’s homily, the beauty of the liturgy and music seemed to transport me to Heaven!
(Personal dialogue omitted)
Thank you for the profound gift of the Plenary Indulgence offered for praying the Athanasian Creed. Thank You for Father and his pastoral way of teaching us things like this that are not well known in these days. He is a good shepherd. Lord, bless him and all good shepherds who willingly lay down their lives for their sheep. Thank You, Lord for demonstrating this yourself during Your passion, death and resurrection. Jesus, I bring all personal petitions to You and lay them at Your feet. I entrust each and every problem, concern, loved one and friend who is struggling and suffering. I pray especially for (names withheld) and all in my family who have taken the dangerous injection. Please provide a solution, a way out for them, Lord and protect them from all damaging effects that will come as a result of this experimental therapy. Lord, the majority of people, or so it seems, have blindly accepted what is being conveyed by the media. Physicians and scientists who have been and continue to speak out are being censored and it is difficult for people to make a true informed decision. Lord, forgive them as many do not know what they do and do not understand the consequences. Help us, Lord and please help people to find the truth about this and many other things going on in the world supported by evil and corrupt people. Save us, Savior of the world. For all who will die today or tonight, please take their souls to Heaven. Your Will be done, my Lord and my God.
Lord, there are many institutions making it mandatory for students and employees to take this injection. This is unethical and the bureaucracy disregards the laws and proceeds anyway. Lord, what are good people to do? I realize we need to stand our ground and not comply, but this will be very difficult when people are threatened with losing their jobs, or not being allowed enrollment to their university. Jesus, You are the only answer to this type of tyranny. We can only do so much, but with You all things are possible. The way these injections were developed is such a crime against little, pure babies. Oh, Lord I beg for Your mercy. Be merciful, Lord and help us to stop the sin of abortion which is such a scourge on our land. I love You, Jesus. Help me to follow You even when it is difficult and costs much. Thank You for Your love. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You! Thank You for the peace and the stillness, Lord. It is good to be here with you.
“Please write My words, My daughter.”
Yes, Lord.
“My dear one, many events are unfolding now. This requires much prayer. I am encouraging all to avail themselves of the Sacraments while there is still time. This is most important. You recall how difficult it was during the government imposed and shepherd assisted lockdowns of My Churches denying My people of the Sacraments. This type of lockdown will occur again My children and it will be very difficult. Even more people will comply adding further insult to the economy, to children, and to the detriment of Faith in the True Presence, My Presence in the Eucharist. There is a greater, more evil plan, My children; control of the world. This may sound preposterous to some of you, but you must realize by now how easily this can occur. My children, do not be so easily led astray. Examine these decisions (those made during the Covid situation) and realize for yourself how unscientific they have been. The decisions, such as the lockdown were not based on true science but on the fear of the masses created by a handful of people and propagated by well meaning physicians and local agents of government. People, oh My people, how gullible you have become. You have closed your minds and hearts to the One True God, to the Truth and therefore do not use the gift of reason given to you at your conception. Worldliness and over concern for things that are of no eternal consequence made you weak and defenseless against the enemy. The lack of access to My Sacraments of love and to Confession meant your souls were malnourished and unable to withstand the temptations to fear. My children, awaken from your sleep and take up the instruments of salvation that I left for you in My Church. Some things are worth standing up for My children. Do not allow this evil Marxist Communism into your schools. Do not allow this to replace Christian principles with those of the father of lies. This is yet another attack on My people to destroy whatever remains of freedom and liberty. It is a direct offensive hit to the front line, both of the military and of the school children, to destroy the remaining purity, the remaining foundation and it will impact you for generations to come. You must unite and stop this, My children. When you fight against this, by standing firm, you are standing for God and humanity. The evil one knows his time is limited and the all-out onslaught is occurring as a result. Yes, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph, My children but this does not absolve you from Your Christian duties and the responsibilities you have for the children. My people, you must focus on this now, for countless souls are at stake. I am counting on you. Do not allow yourselves to be distracted by other things. Pray for guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit. He will give you wisdom and direct your steps. Pray, fast and act, My children for the salvation of souls. Do not fear, and do not hide your heads in the sand! It is time to be alert and ready to take action. This is My call, My invitation, and mankind cannot afford to refuse Me. My little lamb, thank You for writing My words. These are perilous times, and many are still unaware of the gravity of the situation, and others don’t even sense the evil around them.”
“It is not Covid that threatens you, My children. It is evil which knows no limits. You, working with Me, are the only ones standing between total takeover of your nation and the loss of millions of souls. Cooperate with Me, My children. Ask what it is each one can do to resist the evil that wants to rule. Be My hands, feet and heart in the world. Pray the Flame of Love* prayers I have given for My children of these days. Clothe yourselves in righteousness. Come to the Sacraments, My children. Read the Acts of the Apostles, 1st & 2nd Maccabees and the Book of Revelation, and discern the times in which you are living. Be not afraid. Your Jesus is with you and I will not abandon those who follow Me.”
“That is all, My daughter. I love you. Go in peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Remember to ask the saints in Heaven to intercede for you and to pray for you. There are many saints who wait for your request for help. Ask My Most Holy Mother to grant graces for you each day. Many graces go unrequested, My children and an outpouring of graces each day is needed for the world. You must be open to receiving them and also well disposed. Do all that I have requested for the good of your souls. I am with you and I am with My Church. Remain united to Me, My children.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You.
“And I love you and all My children.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia for Your love, peace and mercy.
*For information about the Flame of Love movement and prayers, go to
Source: ➥