Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Monday, June 7, 2021
Message from Jesus

Hello, my dearest Jesus present in all tabernacles in the world, hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I praise You, adore You, trust and love You. Lord, thank You for First Friday and the time with You in the Most Holy Eucharist. Thank You for Holy Mass on Saturday and for Your beautiful Feast of Corpus Christi. It was so very beautiful to see the incredible artwork of rose petals adorning the main aisle of the Church. I have never seen such a magnificent gesture of love through this floral artwork in tribute to Your sacred body, blood, soul and divinity present in the Eucharist. The Mass was incredible as if one could be more so than another. The perfect sacrifice represented to the Father for the salvation of the world. Oh, Jesus my heart was so full of joy. My only regret is that I did not then go to Adoration. Please forgive me, Jesus. I know You already have, but I want to tell You again for the way I disappointed You and myself. I realize I missed another opportunity to be with You, my Jesus. Forgive me, Lord. I will always regret this missed opportunity. Thank You for showing this to me this evening during prayer. Thank You for bringing clarity and lovingly pointing out my error. I don’t want to abandon You or waste the time You are giving us now. Thank You for asking me to write tonight, though I am undeserving of Your message. I do love You, Lord and I am sincerely sorry for the times that I don’t show my love for You.
“My little one, I love you, also. That is why I want to spend time with you. I long for My children to desire the appetite for Heaven so that one day we will truly be united forever in My Kingdom. Adoration does this for you, My child. Thank you for your visit on Friday. Please tell (name withheld) I was very pleased to have his company as well and My son’s visit later on Friday. This was very pleasing to Me. Thank You to all who keep vigil with Me, especially on First Fridays. My child, I preferred you visit with Me yesterday, however this was a time for learning the things I put on your heart during the Rosary this evening. Keeping company with holy friends is a good thing and I will not deprive you of this. It is a better thing to choose Me, though. Do you not agree?”
Oh, yes Lord. You know that I do and I am definitely regretting my decision now. I did then, too when I realized it was so late. I also should have gone straight home to check on (name withheld). Thankfully, he really was better and for that I am also grateful.
“My little child, I do not begrudge you your holy friends; instead, I encourage you in your friendships. You must realize, My daughter that I have important words to convey to My children especially in these times. Much darkness covers the earth and My words encourage and bring light and life. I rely on you and My other children to convey messages that for some make every difference in their circumstances. I may seem to be demanding to you, but I am so only out of My deep love for mankind. You understand now, My little lamb. Oh, you knew before but now the depth of your knowing has enlarged. You have experienced a slight revelation of this truth.”
Yes, Lord. I do understand, which makes me even more sad that I let You down. (again) Lord, there is nothing I can do now, but I ask once again for Your forgiveness and I thank You for Your gentle, but painful correction. Painful only because I never want to disappoint You again. It was so uncharitable and thoughtless.
“My child, My child, I do not reveal this to you for your guilt. I forgive you and there is no need to apologize again. Accept My forgiveness, My beloved little lamb. The only reason I continue to speak of this is to teach you. I am pleased with even your desire to please Me. I love you.”
I love You, my Jesus!
“My child, you have had more time to think about the words My daughter (name withheld) read to you.”
Yes, Lord. You have brought these words to mind a few times since hearing them and I understand a bit more about the reason for your words. Or, I think I do.
“Yes, My little one. My holy priest sons are in danger, but I will guard the priesthood and preserve it for My Church which will never perish. It will become even smaller than now, but it will continue to live. In fact, the suffering and persecution will increase and to the world the Church will appear to have diminished almost completely as it will go underground and be hidden from plain sight. During this time of hibernation, I will nourish and water the small seeds of faith, and upon the end of the age, the Church will blossom and grow into a beautiful garden full of flowers attached to the true vine. I am the Vine and the Vinedresser and I lovingly and carefully prune those who are united to Me. Remain with Me, My children so that you will have life.”
“This summer I am giving you another brief reprieve. Be productive in prayer and in all that you do. Do not waste time on entertainment that does not lift your heart to God. Read only that which draws you near to Me. This time is not like that which preceded it. Take time to rest when needed, but make the most of your day, My children. Plant your gardens, prepare food for the Autumn time so that the winter is not as harsh. Gather wood for your fireplaces, organize your living spaces. Enjoy the summer weather with an eye toward what is coming. Do not fear. I do not give you a spirit of fear, but only trust. I tell you this out of love and to prepare you, not to bring fear. In all things, trust in Me. Prepare now so that you will not be caught unaware and without the necessities, My children. Remember, you will be asked to share all that you have with those I will send you. All will be well. Make the most of the days I am giving you. Be love to your family and friends.”
“My child, My daughter, I also know that you needed the time on Sunday with your friends. I understand you, My little one. Do not think of this again with remorse, but only ponder it so that you will make the choice for Me.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus! I love You!
“And I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be at peace, My child. I am with you. All will be well.”
Amen, Jesus. Alleluia!
Source: ➥